Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The People s Wish For A Good Life Is Our Goal - 2252 Words

â€Å"The People’s Wish for a Good Life is Our Goal† President Xi Jinping In Guangdong, all of the three poorest counties, Xingning, Dabu and Wuhua are located in Meizhou Muncipality. This widening income disparity between Meizhou and other regions carries in it the seeds of future discontent and could well lead to political instability. The time for action is now. Following Comrade Xi’s message to help people break away from poverty and achieve prosperity, concrete actions against income inequality in Meizhou Municipality are the call of the hour. The key recommendations to bridge income inequality between Meizhou Muncipality and other regions of Guangdong are: (1) Push for equalization of basic public services between urban and rural areas (2) Improve rural infrastructure to create better living conditions as well as a better environment for economic activities (3) strengthen vocational training for rural labourers and improve their ability to be employed in non-farming jobs 2. Causes and Context of Income Inequality in Meizhou Municipality a. Geographical Conditions: There exists a great difference in geographical conditions and natural resources among the Pearl River Delta Area (PRDA) and the Mountainous Areas of Guangdong province. Meizhou, has therefore, not fully benefited from the industrialization of the prosperity of the province, as most industries are based in the PRDA. The development is relatively slow and people lead a relatively poor life. Half of theShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Make A Wish Foundation1018 Words   |  5 Pages Make-A-Wish Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization which helps to fund and provide experiences for children with life-threatening medical conditions. CEO David Williams articulated, â€Å"The vision is not just about a number - it s about real lives and very real wish impact† (Make-A-Wish America, 2016, p. 1). 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