Saturday, July 27, 2019

Argument - the Aeneid was a pro-Augustan work which can be seen Essay

Argument - the Aeneid was a pro-Augustan work which can be seen through the themes, arguments, and specific scenes of the Aeneid - Essay Example Associations with Augustus The associations with Augustus in the work of â€Å"The Aeneid† are first seen through the direct quotes that describe the political scene of the time and how Augustus was meant to be a powerful leader. Virgil states this by associating Augustus with the line of Caesar while showing how this automatically leads to him being an exalted leader. He states â€Å"Caesar himself, exalted in his line; / Augustus promis’d oft, and long foretold, / Sent to the realm that Saturn rul’d of old; / Born to restore a better age of gold, Africa and India shall his pow’r obey; / He shall extend his propagated sway / Beyond the solar year, without the starry way† (Virgil, 192). The direct reference in this quote shows Augustus as the promised leader, not only for Greece, but also as ordained with the time, planets and alignment of the stars. This creates a belief system from the direct reference to the leader, showing him as a natural leade r that was meant to rule over other countries and to become one of the most powerful and influential individuals of the time. Actions throughout the Aeneid The direct reference pointed out with â€Å"The Aeneid† is followed by specific actions and situations that show the same political propaganda. The first six books of the journey are written as a part of the Underworld in which all men are in. The hellish state is one which becomes symbolic of how life has been to this point in the ancient city. In book 6, there is a specific shift that leads to the belief that the situation will be overcome. The actions which follow after the journey lead to the Trojan War and the victory of the land. The beginning of this is when Aeneas is given the golden bough and is told to leave the underworld. The propaganda is based on Aeneas leading the city out of a state of hell and into a sense of life giving and an end to human suffering. The references of these actions throughout the plot lin e are known to relate directly to the celebration of the new political leadership of the time as well as the overthrow of the old government and the desire to have Augustus in power to overcome the darker ages of the city (Minson, 48). There are several moments which point to the happiness of the city and what can be after changes occur. More important, the author points to the ideals of victory which he believes are most important to the bringing in of Augustus as a leader. The main association is with the Trojan War and how this led to the rightful place of the city mentioned. Virgil refers to this with the past state and how the time was better because of the triumph and the alterations in leadership which occurred. He states â€Å"Relate what Latium was; her ancient kings! / Declare the past and state of things, When first the Trojan fleet Ausonia sought, / And how the rivals lov’d, and how they fought. / These are my theme, and how the war began / And how concluded by t he godlike man† (Virgil, 198). The recounting of the Trojan war then leads to an understanding that this was led first by politicians and was followed by those who moved according to the strategies desired by the land. The propaganda of the war then leads to one referencing the Augustan leadership while showing that this was the main reason why the victory occurred among the land. Themes of Politics The actions which

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