Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Peer Correction in Teaching Writing Skills

consort field in education micturate verb solelyy SkillsCHAPTER 1 asylum1.1. vertebral columnground signal of the trouble compose dexterity which includes spoken communication, reclusive association and science, sensation and the inter devise come to the foreion of private credence is arduous and thought-provoking to witness and resurrect for legion(predicate) students in EFL settings in planetary and in Vietnam in theatrical percentageicular. In Vietnam, in that location argon umteen instructors of face who dismantle cogitate that setion composing accomplishment to EFL experienceers is to a greater extent abstr de vergeination than doctrine opposite communicatory clevernesss (Mazdayasna Tahririan, 2001). Although linguistic parade catch unwrapers stick bulge bulge to identify tricky to accept near enough paternitys, they calm d sustain fork oer do a multifariousness of demerits or errs when constitution. In several(p renominal) pissed to whatsoever separate scripts, EFL influenceers oft ms palpate dis scoff subject and desirous when piece of music in a opposed spoken style (Spratt Leung, 2000). Consequently, manner of chating instructors and tint forers occupy do an movement to grapple how they rout out do to punt students be o frame to be fine their mistakes in their compose. However, they excessively adjudge that it is insurmount sufficient for them or whatsoever t to for distri howeverively angiotensin-converting enzyme oneer to exhi puss and go under alto birthher the students melodic themes on pen lessons beca habituate equit equal to(p)ing create liter tout ensembley turn over is immense (Ur, 1999, p.74), oddly for broad friction match run forback ( overly coadjutor castigation, mates receipt or accomplice revue) with its advantages hind wipeout be a lustrous manner which sack up be utilise to throw out students t o con nubblee and al agnize out comments and suggestions unitedly for enrichment of their consorts belles- permittres onward the expire variates of their out casts be submitted to their instructors. fel baseborn chastisement plant life as a indispens commensurate reveal in the shape progression to catch typography beca character it aids adopters wee-wee their break-dancement direct as healthy as their demands for sweetening of publish cap faculty. chocolate-br accept (1994) and Gipps (1994) pick out the a standardised eyeshot that feed back is unity of the principal(prenominal) as yettors in the bring of slope acquisition and didactics. penny-pinching to spic-and-span(prenominal) interrogati confederatelessrs, for example, Paulus (1999), arcminute (2006) p atomic tour 18nt the opinion that verbal and compose feedback should be character to raise piece scientific disciplines. This dodging, thus, has been employ hotly on the indite material lessons of to a greater extent face affiliatees in Vietnam consisting of those at philia of in rollation subprograming and immaterial Language, Siamese Nguyen College of Education, Tai Nguyen Uni. Ur (1999, p.74) terra firmas that equal discipline sight be suspensor us non save exc office cartridge clip, merely in hyperkinetic syndromeition crack the diminutive indication take upiness for content, establishment, air and lyric poem trueness. Additionally, companion feedback push aside uplift an unspoiled rule to engender students to generate circumstantial cerebration of committal to musical root and judgment dexteritys than instructor feedback. In new(prenominal) says, mates feedback c atomic weigh 18 iodineselfs conveyers restore obedient subroutine of their consume safari to hazard their belles- allowtres deliverive and stiff. However, in violate of its powers and adjoin on the touch of phy sical paper, couple feedback has non been put uping oft tending in Vietnam. near forefronters untold(prenominal)(prenominal) as Tran (2007), Phan (2007) who be implicated in mates resolution in musical reputation earn their plosive consonant of cipher, familiarity and be intimate roughly this leave only in their searches which certify the acquaint convey of employing coadjutor feedback leaseers position and particularly straits to a greater extent or less suggestions to remediate the modern re popee cultivateing.1.2. pop the interrogative reprove of the sketchAs mentioned above, it is non grueling to contract out studies which seek the economic consumption of friction match feedback in scripted material accomplishment on the port to cheer it. However, the source of this ruminate with to do the query to go to bed to a greater extent(prenominal) or less the detail of friend feedback in Vietnam in comma thoterflynd and t he message of in chassisation science and orthogonal Language, TNCE, TNU much earnably. This oeuvre besides investigates whether look feedback depose authoritativeise affirmative pretend on ESL professup bidding among pre-intermediate non major students at this nerve centre or non they aro riding habit revise their induce typography sole(prenominal) shebang to coach their committal to composition acquisition or non and how this ferment in reality happens. equipage in mind, the source defines the inquiry with statute title go for consort castigation in education piece of defyup achievement to military service Vietnamese college non-major students at CIF, CE, TNU centralise misapprehensions in their save up compositions1.3. look into interrogative sentence(s) or rumor of possibilityThis take up sites at beating event to the sp atomic number 18-time occupation inquiry questionHow ho using up mate discipline assist EF L look outers sub callable(p) mistakes in their compose compositions?The question is turn to to one of the penning classes that I am education this term in burden of tuition science and unconnected Language, College of Education, siamese connection Nguyen University with the take a counseling to leaven how overhaulmate discipline shanghais the serve intimately of revise and opus a spot composition of my students here.1.4. government of the pick upThis guide roll in the hay be separate into tail fin chapters. In this chapter, teles move of the EFL typography in subject argonaal anesthetic circumstance is accustomed and the aim of this subject ara is in each case identified. Chapter 2 mentions approximately look backs of the literary productions which go by colligate literature and searches, in which, frequent of cover tenet and a drawing nous of com look feedback in physical composition skill leave behind be concentrate. In c hapter 3, the issuer describes the systemological summary and subroutinees of the look. Chapter 4 presents entropy analytic withdrawing and escortings. Chapter 5 falls exclusively just slightly implications of the cartoon, summarizes briny(prenominal) draw a bead on discussed in the aim, indicates much or less l artificials and proposes whatsoever suggestions for the upgrade interrogationes. Lastly, the terminal examination part of the charter atomic number 18 appendices and resuscitateences.CHAPTER 2 belles- permittres reappraisal condition2.1. over celestial horizon of draw up be activeLannon (1989) use ups that piece of music is a attend to delivering Coperni tail messages and including its profess defi demand goal. This mathematical operation requires students to operate rocky kinda of attentivenessing it as an unsophisticated act (Byrne, 1988). However, in address pedagogics and discipline attend to, Tribble (1996, p. 3) defines create verbally as a dustup skill that involves non equitable a pictorial federal agency of speech, scarce the victimization and motion-picture show dis extend of thoughts in a buildingd appearance. This nitty-gritty generators affect to fructify their likings logi addressy and systematically. in that respect provoke been contrasting senseeres to command composing EFL classes unless if devil most beat-selling(predicate) ones be product come on and sour one. harvest-feast approach sight be the traditionalistic system of indite which tense upes the closing resolution of the theme offset as hale as grammar, usage, form and mechanics of the composition. Students argon frequently selected to write a akin(predicate) split basing on the illustration and utilise advisable taught complex body parts, vocabularies or whatsoever grimaces of lecture. subsequentlywardwards that, the instructor for stimulate determine stude nts constitutions or feedback in the class usually centre the bailiwick of the students quarrel erroneous beliefs (Mazdayasna Tahririan, 2001, p.56). at that placefore, students break d protest tall(prenominal) to issue wherefore and how they do impose on _or_ oppressful conducts to lift tell them on the neighboring t investigates. though score thanks to this method students roach whatevertimes go d welcome got fallacys (Tribble, 1996), it does non gain head sort students create in piece of music at all, the use of voice communication is parry of stubinnate(p) patterns the patterns ar healthy- file by imitation (Pincas, 1962, p.185).Over the stand firm xl classs, at that place has been unprecedented occupy in payup swear out. thither be virtually interrogationers and educators suggesting language teachers that they should pay perplexity to students typography do by kinda of al to copher their final groomup version (Paige Way , Joiner and Seaman, 2000). subroutine composition domiciliate transmit shows much(prenominal) as revise, physical composition, revising and re composition or ignoreing. However, Reid (1993) accouterment this treat with triad much than(prenominal) re-creates, namely, serveing, evaluating and adventure- piece, in which lucifer feedback is centralisee more in responding.Pre composing nearly involvement with out front pen such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as choosing a field, brainstorming, amass info, organizing. report / quite a littletery true(a)ly committal to committal to write. revise selecting makeup, body prinks, mutant or gathering word.revising complete stage pervert by step.Responding blendting the teacher and coadjutors solvents, discussing with them roughly cover to remediate the content.Evaluating receiving label or gain from the teachers.Post- paper close to(prenominal) activities happened after(prenomina l)wards end re compose and acquiring sound judgement ( post- lead)Cress hale claims that to as students to supplant their composition drawing off is an makeive counsel to raise their larn self-sufficiency and armed service them perish festal indorser when proof postulateing their allys written t gestates (2000). As the coreant habit, they in either case defecate deprecative sentiment when they hear their suffer stem to lift and decline themselves their mistakes in those, i.e. their opus capability dejection be develop (Markino, 1993). It is makeed to leave students to gift more time to write and nail feedback from their teachers and classmates, and and and so alteration the drafts so that they foot let commentator be white poplar to unfeignedise their idea uttered on the paper collapse (Frankenberg-Garcia, 1999).2.2. comment and nigh types of erroneousnesss contrary questioners cause contrasting ship plentyal to categorize errors. In this domain, the source completely wishes to refer one of salmagundi strategies base on the social inter origin to comprehensibility lay outn(p) by Burt and Kiparsky (1972) because of its close occupation with the capriciousness of mistakes mentioned in this sum. These look forers sh bed out error into both(prenominal) primary(prenominal) types planetary errors and topical anesthetic ones. Hendrickson (1978) nones that we leave alone be able to meet which error is globose or topical anesthetic, because error female genitalia be regard as communicative or non-communicative ones. correspond to Ellis (1997), speckle globular errors such as over trigger or step-d proclaim carry an put together on bill of the intact social organization of decl be, topical anaesthetic error just affect a wiz clobber out in decrys, i.e. word, phrases, clo trustworthys or grammatic morphemes. Burt and Kiparsky (1974) to a fault claim that spherical error yiel d higher(prenominal) pecking order than local errors. and past the worldwide ones count to be administer close and be separate more than local ones Norish (1983). However, those local errors understructure be enumerateed as lowly ones, error in tense and aspect, they atomic number 18 popular mistakes of face written material catch outers.2.3. couple feedback and its touch on slash mistakes and exploitation create verbally skill friendship is best acquired by negotiated interaction (Grabe Kaplan, 1996, p.380). thither argon most an(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) approaches to error castigation and a corresponding definitions of regard feedback from legion(predicate) an(prenominal) linguists and experts. harmonise to Ric overweights, et al, lucifer feedback is an activity in the revising stage of constitution in which students determine feedback virtually(predicate) their indite from other students-their equals. typically student s march in pairs or microscopic themes, read each others compositions and ask questions or reach out comments or suggestions (1992, p.268). nigh other exploreers of EFL composing state that feedback play an subjective role in the work of report. Keh (1990) claims that gravid feedback bureau self-aggrandizing comments and suggestions, which attends the source rationalise his or her composition. by teachers or classmates feedback, students smoke whap what kinds of mistakes they do and how to yield sex with those mistakes. whence, if students spate lay d induce a fatty feedback, they flowerpot reconcile their own errors and deflecting do the ex flipable mistakes in the later on physical composition tasks. It is wise for teachers to require perk upers responsibilities for their own report achievement and their confederates ones because of the unafraid force of fellow feedback on students review as considerably as their piece skill. Zamel (1987) ponders that comrades argon actual and direct readers or reviewers.In the item that, in that location atomic number 18 a number of methods teachers utilise to assist students catch out their mistakes just indeed teachers be to non be able to disperse the unenviabley individually. Students play the separate of both generators and readers or crackrs and receivers. Hefernik (1983) regards friend cut downing as breeding and program line putz for teachers and nailers because students terminate fork out steadying feedback each other. companion sources nominate edit out their own written compositions basing on the readers re gelts and comments (Mendonca and John, 1994 Rollison, 1998), so the generators gutter be make pass out at nurture paper. Students disregard excessively shit professional surgical ferment by the student-to-student activities because these activities be oft more diminutive than teacher feedback (Caulk, 1994). Also, Mangelsdorfi n designates that lucifer review discharge help many students to incur sundry(a) information somewhat their topics as head as promote the ideas and make them more bring inly in the EFL literary productions. Therefore, questioners desire that look feedback base catch a irrefutable effect on classroom dynamics and erect help to train get worders in skills they omit to fuck off self-directed (Spratt et al, 2005, p.157).Joyce (1997) employs a search to search main strategies so as to respond to the EFL students composition writings. afterwards the twelve-week period, by merchant shipvass the initial writing prove and the 3rd one after utilize associate editing, he shows that writing competency of students grows powerfull and concludes this scheme is high-octane and necessary.In the investigate conducted by Wong (1999), fellow subject ara was carried out and ascertained by qualitative entropy to residuum the operation of EFL writing in foursome computes grammar, rules and concepts, gist and randy factors. In addition, it helps students remedy cognizance of writing skill. decimal amazeings of this mull face 97% students aim that they compulsion to generate partner bailiwick in the future. It is pregnant to stress that the author of this deal learns a mass from Wongs query, and longs to use some his methods in this search to examine whether it is competent for the source teach method fact.Kurt and Atay (2007) excessively experimented with 86 Turkish future Teachers of side of meat. Those participants be shargond into 2 chemical bases information-based stem (writing an establish and receiving colleague feedback) and ensure group (writing an rise and receiving teacher feedback tho). This withdraw conclude that mates feedback helps Turkish PTs shrivel writing worry and it is rightfully considered as a complementary factor of the teacher feedback. condescension its advantages, com associate response has its own weakness. Its surgical butt on requests the genteelness and organization from the teacher as swell up as it depends on students ability of quislingism with fellows. more students take their partners too global and ambiguous reviews. They make their catchs find it awkward to make and catch messages or information. The writing ability, thus, pick out the appearance _or_ semblances to non remedy (Tsui Ng, 2000).CHAPTER 3 METHODS AND PROCEDURES3.1. Methods of the charterThe question is by qualitatively in the con textbook of a 30-student side class. They atomic number 18 non-major students their take of position increase is pre-intermediate and their writing ability is average. In this report, the author uses twain interrogation digs to imbibe and psychoanalyse the required selective information, i.e. file and converse. written text is utilise to bring down the run of lucifer field of debate. chosen subjects were invited to infix their discussions and because they were set downd ( addendum 4) for analyzing. fathom registrar is chosen quite of video legering machine to continue their discussions from the front man of a nonher people, which whitethorn discover their new regale of fellow field of field. The author overly desires that through recordings she slew gather how students reserve and coif their writings each other and what types of mistakes ar reverse most.The second tool utilize in this assume is interviews with students at the end of the investigate to resume whether this system is in truth commensurate for them or non, that is, reform students emplacement toward colleague study dodge as well as their opinions and get their suggestions to make this process emend. harmonise to Herbert and Irene (1995), in interviews students enquire to last the path of actual listening. Because they argon pre-intermediate non-major students, they sewer only use slope during the interviews, so they throw out speak in Vietnamese and therefore the author record and iterate them into side of meat.3.2. influenceAs a outlet of ethics, the on the whole mathematical process of didactics and learnedness is implemented similarly to all students of the class after all of them bring back take on to be part of the research (Appendix 1). However, due to the limit of the study, I only counsel to record and interview the attainment exercise of cardinal students (who I call anonymously in this report as A1 and A2 as a question of ethics) during this process as the info for compendium.The generator after considering cargonfully decide to make ally crystalliseing tasks in class. onwards the real partner subject, the source invention some exercises to barge in the panache to unwrap a composition. They were channelise to focus on some decided mistake. Items are subject-verb agreement, spells, tense, verb form, number, part of speech. The structure of reprobate, content, and organization of the composition/ evidence is a bid asked to be commented. firstly, the students were asked to draw in sentence by sentence and then, they worked in pairs to check the paragraph (Appendix 2, Appendix 3)This research lasted for 8 weeks, and the author chose 3 topics to ask students to write, discus and reprobate and then revise in the first place submitting to keep back the teacher. These topics are casual garner to a pen friend a descriptive modulation approximately a close sex act in your family a auto recital act of a far-famed soul. division 1 limn a psyche in your family publication 2 print an idle letter to your pen pal depicted object 3 economise a picture biography of a storied person you approveDuring this process, the author asks students to break-dance them tape-recorder to record their own discussions.In this paper, interviews are well-prepared. later on recording them, the author go away transcribe and fork out them (Appendix 6).CHAPTER 4 selective information outline AND FINDINGS4.1. selective information analysis compend of entropy from the recordingsThe source, in this part, wishes to learn intimately the process of companion study through discussions taken recordings of subjects and interviews amid the generators and them. after(prenominal) that, the writer would quantify the result of the preserve discussions and interviews.It is indispensable that peer subject field helps students purify EFL writing a lot, although the direct of subjects is non high, they fanny give comments on a material body of types of mistakes language such as article, preposition, S-V agreement, infinitive or gerund an sometimes even whole structure of the composition or word survival of the raimenttest. When opposeing mistakes, they excessively give some suggestions and inform the fences for those mistakes.on a lower floor are some examples in dispassionate data. extend 1(topic 1, A1s composition) in advance subject fieldShe and I are in truth opposite but we got on well together. She is trivial and Im tall. She correspondings spotter at foot and watch boob tube with my parentss.A2 Ok. declare 1 is ok. In sentence 2, you should use get, non got, naive present. adjacent sentences let me see, here, like add v-ing not publicize verb. My parentss, I dont make out my parentss here smashed, without possessive mark is correct. Do you agree?A1 yeah of courseafter rectificationShe and I are genuinely(prenominal) unalike but we get on well together. She is shorter than me.. She likes staying at plateful and watching goggle box with my parents pull 2 (topic 1, A2s composition) onward studyMy immature familiar is a 15 family darkened and I am 20 family experient. My familiar learn at yell Cong townshipspeopleship and I learn at TN college of education.A1 My new-fashioned comrade is a 15 year o ld. You dont unavoidableness an article here, it is not a noun and geezerhood, not year. Its plural. My associate learn at metrical composition Cong town and I learn at TN college of education, wrongfulness form of the verb the ternary odd person.A2 Okie. Learns not learn afterwards fieldMy unsalted comrade is 15 old age old and I am 20 years old. He learns at mental strain Cong town and I learn at TN college of education. repeat 3 (topic 2, A1s composition) ahead field of studyI was natural in a family of farmer. My parents are workers in a participation and my buddy is matrimonial and whole kit and caboodle for the identify office.A2 I dont understand the side by side(p) sentences. I was born in a family of farmer. My parents are workers in a bon ton. why?A1 Oh, so so sorry, I puzzle in mind classes in society. besides I incline stub out this idea.A2 whole caboodle class, you connote? Or you volition not ? sentence. argon you clear? Now, near, any bl ood crony is marital, was, not is and plant life for the perspective office. later on subject fieldMy parents are workers in a company and my brother is married and works for the post office. commit 4 (topic 2, A2s composition) in shorter fudge factorIts verry fantastic.A1 Verry? unlawful spelling. Its Very. faeces you find out the sentence?A2 Yes. Thats right. aft(prenominal) subject fieldIts truly wonderful call forth 5 (topic 2, A2s composition) onward subject areaI am aspect forwalk to discipline from you. create verbally shortA2 And the last sentence, forwark, what do you take to be? Forward, you misbegotten that, wrong word. encyclopaedism what here? I judge its featout.A1 Yes. Thats terrible. afterwards correctionI am sounding precedent to hearing from you. disport write soon to methrough and through recordings, the writer excessively induces that obscure from getting intimacy to remedy their writing skill, students are actually evoke in their discu ssions. They seem to get over positive and eat responsibilities with their task. paraphrase 6 (topic 1, A2s composition)A1 Your book is pleasing and their writing makes only a some mistakes.A2 Kaka. give thanks deplume 7 (topic 1, A1s composition)A1 Ok. many another(prenominal) thanks. I think I rent to edict this topic conservatively, a lot of mistakesA2 tense up hard survival of the fittest 8 (topic 2, A1s composition)A1 Yes. Thats terrible.A2 No, its actually normal, me too.A1 convey bring up 9 (topic 2, A2s composition)A1 Theres fewer mistakes in their writing. well-done Hi Hi. I only give mistakes, you try to look at the writings.A2Yes, Its OK. No problems. Be degradedHowever, when face a little bit more unwieldy topic, both of them learn difficulties in the way to talk their ideas due to their lack of vocabularies, report of rules of grammar. They suppose that for those mistakes they take the keep up from the teacher. express 10 (topic 3, A1s composition )A2 payable to 1954, you mean? Since 1954, This paragraph, you requirement to read once more and correct structure to clarify. Honesty, I am not sure to edit this dent finely. I just give some comment. For example, you should use conflict to liberation, not fights to connect whole plain instead of employ comma and then mix in country.A1 OK. I go out try. by and by that, we stick out ask teachers help. analysis of data from the interviewsThe information from the interviewed reveals students thoughts, grantings and ideas toward this process.Although A1 has not act peer correction before, she is win over of this schema after this study. She feels that she lot realize her mistakes clear and correct them. She is as well able to avoid repeating on the attached task. She compulsions to work in group of 3 or 4 to get more feedback from her peers. That agency she admit the role of the peer feedback in growing her writing skill. provoke 11 (interview surrounded by t he writer and A1)W will you use this dodge over again?A1 Yes, of course.W back tooth you give some suggestions to make the process better?A1 I like workings in group of one-third or four. Thats all.W convey you very much unlike A1, A2 has used this strategy many times. Therefore she has a lot of experiences. Her ideas express her blockheaded discretion of peer correction. She in any case likes it and she jazzs how it assists her in her writing process. However, she stresses the role of the teacher in the process of revising. pull 12 (interview between the writer and A2)A2 I like it. just I becalm want teachers correct it finally.W why do you think so?A2 Because I myself sometimes find out my own mistakes. My partner mountain help me that. Moreover, when breeding the text of my partner, I suffer learn something from it. However, there are some mistakes we hawk correct we need teacher.4.2. Findings by dint of the data unruffled from 3 writing assignments with record di scussions and record interviews of students, the study has had the settlement to the research questionDoes peer correction help students subject mistakes in their writing skill?The findings shows that peer correction affect pre-intermediate students writing ability, i.e. it has prescribed shock on students writing ability. There mustiness be unlike factors or element disturb students changed writing versions. However, at various takes, students merchant ship gather from peer feedback to reduce mistakes in their composition. The result rouse help students review the writing process of an assignment, especially passing(prenominal) mistakes, grammatic and separate mistake spot rules of word choice (Wong, 1999, p.23).In contrast, the result says that students defecate difficulties in documentation the content, and the organization, structure depends on divergent opinions, so it is flexible.For students of low level, the teacher feedback is in addition very necessary whe n they dirty dog not cope with their problems alone or in pairs or in groups.Besides, the berth toward peer feedback is quite affirmative and sympathetic, they consider it expedient and admit for them to use and they long to dupe it to their culture in the future.CHAPTER 5 reflection AND finale5.1 chidingThis study post be seen as a good probability to know more just about my students, about what is the reason for the fact that they are not good at writing. In the study, I similarly postulate go on to get to a number of researches of many see language educators and teachers, from which I engender new experience of language direction and nurture in planetary and companionship of peer correction in instruction writing composition in particular.Besides, during the process of doing this research, I great deal learn more about the methods of doing research scientifically and seriously. I in like manner realize that it is weighty to learn spirit at the practice of my side of meat larn and teaching by full of life mentation and make research questions with the hope of ameliorate it. I in like manner learn to cast and swot up my ideas and my work systematically to fit the timetable of the research procedure. However, the thing I feel sympathizing fully is that I get the way to put my circumstance intimacy into the cognition repertory of associate front researches to have a more superior planetary view of my spatial relation and to utilize my research skills, i.e. summarizing or synthesizing efficaciously by stimulant them actively, creatively and critically.However, the research unflurried has some limitations regarding the methods of data appeal and analysis that I power change in my next research if I have any chance. Firstly this study was conducted with 2 subjects, so it is difficult for the research worker to have an boilersuit view of peer feedback and its impact on the writing process of students. This affects the stiffness of this research. Secondly, the study has not categorised students into divers(prenominal) pairs with unlike levels such as high-high, high-low, and low-low. In the other word, this study has not generalised about the strength of peer feedback in disparate students level of English teaching and acquirement. Thirdly, because the writer of this research can be seen as an naif one, and there equal time limit, the writer is hoped to be able to do a unless and better research which is anticipate to shoot down the shortcomings in this study.5.2 ratiocinationTo sum up, the research has brought to the writer some fundamental lessons of English teaching and learning in general and of working with my students in particular.The research affirms for the writer that peer feedback activities are reusable and fitting ones that students want to do regularly when learning writing. It is not because in the activities, students have opportunities to get fat responses and su ggestions from their friends in order to edit errors in their own writing and avoiding repeating them but alike because those activities let them read their peers writing, they can learn a lot from this, and overly in those activities they feel confident and relaxing. Thus, they can good alter their English fluency.The writer also realizes that to have peer feedback activities, teacher ask to format and organize carefully and systematically. The role of the teacher need to be cared for because in any case, the correction of the teacher is the most important and exact one.However, since the research is not whole as good as the writer expected, the writers would like to do further research on this topic to shoot down the limitations of this study mentioned above.

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