Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cool for sale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cool for sale - Essay Example When reviewing the PBS special report The Merchants of Cool, it was at first noticeable, in the lead photograph, that the youth group being displayed in the photos showed evidence of gender role changes which are not common in youth subcultures. The male teenaged individual in the forefront displays the words, J-Lo, in reference to the famous singer Jennifer Lopez, however the letter J is written backwards (pbs.org, 2008). This might reflect a deliberate attempt or testimonial against the mainstream music scene by showing their defiance against celebrity with the twisted representation of the singer’s name on his chest. Additionally, the youth has written on his chest, Kissy me with a heart displayed, showing apparently no remorse for the decision (pbs.org), something which would generally be limited to female display in traditional youth groups. Personal displays of body-art which borders on feminism, being displayed by a youth male, is very edgy and, in traditional youth gro ups, might lead to bullying by peers. Changes in how peers identify with themselves would radically change the marketing strategy of a corporate brand because it would limit the power of celebrity endorsements and a mass market effort might become only a niche market investment when it only appeals to smaller group subcultures. In 2004, the fast-food giant McDonald’s used Yao Ming, the famous basketball player, to appeal to youth buyers and found considerable success (Hargrave-Silk, 2004). This would likely not be effective due to changes in youth attitudes today.

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