Thursday, August 8, 2019

The limitation of powers of European Community member states in the Essay

The limitation of powers of European Community member states in the field of commercial activity in the light of creation of a single market in goods - Essay Example Another form of cooperation, the European Atomic Energy Community was also established in 1957 and came into force in 1958. The above three treaties established the cooperation among six European countries - the ones that began the efforts for the establishment of common interests and policies in the European region. In accordance with Van Gerven (2005, p.710) among the three treaties existed at the period the most important was ‘the European Economic Community, which created, progressively, a common market of goods, persons, services, and capital subject to free competition and with a common commercial policy, and which was applicable to all economic sectors (including agriculture and transport) not addressed by the other two treaties’. Through the years, the European Community was enlarged through the participation of more countries of Europe. On the other hand, the targets set by the European Union were also differentiated. One of the most important differentiations w as that introduced with the Single European Act (1986, February) which targeted the improvement of the conditions of the European market and the interpretation of the rules included in the article 14(2) EC that describe the frontiers of the common market area. At a next level, the monetary, judicial and political integration of the European Union was targeted by the member states. The above targets were supported by the Maastricht Treaty (1992) and the Amsterdam Treaty (1997). The treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam developed the role of the European Union promoting its power to intervene in the political and monetary decisions on member states. Specific issues related with the acceptance of the European Union by the member states were also supported through the above two treaties. Towards this direction, it is noticed by Youngs (2001, p.30) that ‘the Maastricht treaty for the first time listed the

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