Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A College Writing Course in the 21st Century :: Writing Writers Education School Essays

A College Writing Course in the 21st Century Throughout the 21 century the basis of a college writing course was to make people become the best writers they can possibly be according to the colleges standards. The whole idea and purpose was to make everyone use the same techniques and formats in order to answer and write essays. Although this was a very good idea but the minority of the writers weren't as fortunate because they had their own way of expressing their thoughts which was very sufficient but it never met the colleges' standards therefore they weren't able to become what they wanted to because of their different format and use of the English language. The basis of college is pretty much to prepare us for the future and make us aware of the upcoming challenges which we are going to be faced with everyday of our lives as we go on into the world on our own. But what I actually began to realize as the years went on is that schools these days are focusing and narrowing every individual to use only a certain format in orde r to write and read even though there are many individuals out there that are very talented in the English language its just that they were never given a chance to show their writing skills but instead they were always taught to do it one way and not their own. In Amy Tan's reading I noticed an interesting experience which she had mentioned from her past which pointed out an interesting argument "I started writing nonfiction as a freelancer the week after I was told by my former boss that writing was my worst skill and I should hone my talents toward account management" (Tan 4). There it seems even though Tan loved writing it wasn't her best skill therefore the instructor directed her toward another field which she could succeed although she loved to write. From that point I could see that many college courses today try and point you toward what your good at but not what you like therefore it has to be you that makes that first step forward because if you really believe in yourself then do what ever it takes to meet your goal just like Tan accomplished. Whenever your judged by a professor in school its only an opinion coming from their own point, its how they see your skills through their own eyes and not how they see your skills through y our own eyes.

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