Friday, September 6, 2019

Identifying a problem “Drug trafficking” Essay Example for Free

Identifying a problem â€Å"Drug trafficking† Essay This paper studies two different opinions on the impact of drug trafficking laws. One school feels that current laws on drugs have been effective and efficient in containing drug use problem and should be retained. Others see the laws as unjustifiably harsh and skewed against certain groups in society. They argue that drugs should be legalized to help solve abuse problem. The first article gives an open assessment of the impact drug laws have had on drug use problem. The Successes And Failures Of George Bush’s War On Drugs (Check, Dan, 1995). Successive U. S presidents have delivered a plan to fight off drug abuse. President Bush campaign against drug trafficking was similar to that of Ronald Reagan before him. According to Check, their emphasis was on reduction of demand of drugs at home. This was a shift away from curtailing supply in foreign markets. The bush was campaign according to Dan Check targeted the offender rather than the problems. This plan emphasized the incarceration of offenders over rehabilitate and campaigns on avoidance of drug use. The administration boosted its drugs war kitty with the drug law enforcement getting the loin’s share. The penitentiary system also got a substantial amount leaving only a relatively small amount for rehabilitation and a version. Prevention would be carried out through the existing program called DARE. This program targeted school kids. States were bound by this plan and any diversion would attract financial sanctions. This plan has some positive results in that there was significant reduction in cocaine abuse. This effort was felt mainly in the middle class. Check partly attributes this to new realization by the middle class of the efforts of cocaine. The plan however failed in curbing drug use among the poor. According to Dan Check, drug abuse among the poor actually rose with the introduction of the plan. He adds that severe crack down of uses over burdened the prison system. It did not address the root cause of drug trafficking The Drug War on Civic Liberties (Dan Baum, 1992) According to Baum, the war on drugs is an infringement on one’s rights. The laws are unreasonably harsh and hysterical and hence should be done away with. New laws introduced follow the precedence set by the first drug laws. First drug laws on marijuana and cocaine were retrospective as they were made with a certain group of people in mind. The more recent drug legislation is also made with the black community in mind. This community is the biggest victim of drug law enforcement. These laws are racially motivated. There are more black youth in prison than any other group despite their minority status on drug grounds. They make easy targets of law enforcers. He feels that the drug laws have become petty and harsh to ‘offenders’. Mere possession of drugs even without the intent earns one a maximum sentence. First offenders are not given lighter sentences. Past drug offenses continue to haunt the offender as he or she is labeled as a threat to society and is closely monitored. However what is surprising is that, while the legislations theoretically target drug pusher, it is mainly those who are found in possession who are found in jail. According to Baum, the courts are skewed against offenders in drug cases. The drug laws ensure rather harsh judgments are dished out in federal courts, leaving the judges very small room to maneuver. They also give prosecutors the right to challenge the ‘light’ decisions, which is normally the prerogative of the accused. The cases are not heard in state courts but in federal courts. The penitentiary system does not aim at rehabilitation of drug offenders rather it is pre-occupied with punishment. Expenditure on rehabilitation program fades in comparison with expenditure on drug enforcements laws. Law enforcers unfairly target drug offenders because of the hefty bonuses they earn when they successfully present evidence that leads to conviction of the drug offender. They employ heavy surveillance of past offenders and carry out warrant less searches on a suspect’s property or cars. Baum feels that drug offenders do not enjoy civil right enjoyed by other defendants in courts of law. Their property can be attached along with legal fees of the defense attorney. They are also denied bail to keep the streets risk free. He adds that, the drug enforcement agencies evaluate their success on the basis of overblown value of seized drugs in the black market rather than level of emancipation of the people from drug dependency. The federal government has enhanced its budget on drug law enforcement with the sole aim of jailing offenders over prioritizes the war against drugs over other crucial areas such as environmental degradation. This campaign has bloated the prison system while the judicial system is overworked. More officers are employed to deal with the perceived threats of drug use. Most tax payers are content on increased government expenditure in the war against drugs. This, Baum points out, is as a result of the amount of public information that is available to the taxpayers. The media gives war on drugs a lot of coverage and puts much emphasis of drugs. This is in addition various public campaigns against drug use. Few people express a different opinion on the issue is due to victimization on anybody who speaks out on the injustices of the system by law enforcers. Baum urges that convictions of drug possession are conviction of a crime without a victim. He adds that it is wasting away of productive labor force in the young men held up in prison. Most of those serving time for drug possessions are responsible and peace loving individuals.

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