Thursday, October 31, 2019

Student Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Student Assessment - Assignment Example They also fail to measure the need for student growth which is needed to plan future instruction or lecture strategies (Tsagari). This has called for re-examining the traditional or conventional approach to testing qualities, hence a movement of alternative testing (Rachmnn 2005). Wiggins (1998) and Darling-Hammond, Ancess and Falk (1995) also pointed out the problem of deep understanding with conventional testing, emphasizing that deep understanding is robust learning which can be applied to different situations. The criticism pointed out by Wiggins and Darling-Hammond is that conventional forms of testing such as exercises, quizzes and multiple choice questions are not capable of gauging this understanding among students (Williams 2007). Due to these criticisms Wiggins and Darling-Hammond, Ancess and Falk are in favor of performance assessment, in which instead of testing a student using multiple choice questions, they are to work on projects, conduct interviews, and presentations in order to demonstrate their understanding to the reviewers/teachers (Ross 2006) . The basic premise of the vision of authentic achievement as proposed by Newmann, Secada, and Wehlage (1995) outlines the creation of more interesting yet challenging assessment tools for students. Teachers can encourage students to produce more intellectual work in the form of real world applications, and hence increase their performance. Although the basic assumption behind traditional and authentic assessment is common, which is to develop prolific citizens, the former approach tests the students on the possession of certain knowledge while the latter tests the students on the application of knowledge (Mueller 2008). Another difference between the two approaches is that in the traditional approach knowledge is the curriculum determined prior to delivery while in the latter the task to be executed by the students is determined first, which would include the application of knowledge and the curriculum to enable the students to perform the task is determined later (Mueller 2008). Dictionary definition of rubric is "an authoritative rule, especially, a rule for conduct of a liturgical service" (Dictionary 2008). Rubrics basically are assessment tools with the help of which the teacher can predefine what basis the paper or work will be judged on and how scoring will be done on the basis of the predefined criteria (ALTEC 2008). Hence, I agree with the statement that "using rubrics to code student work makes the expectations for success clear, and thereby solves a major problem of traditional assessment, namely, the mystery of marking/evaluating student performance" (Course Resource). If a student does not get a good grade despite knowing the rubrics, the teacher is to a point faultless because the student was informed about the assessment criteria and both students and teacher share with each other the requirements for a particular project (Holbrook 2001). Assessments by rubrics are very detailed and give students a much more clear idea of what they are expected (Walvoord n.d.).It is also very helpful as an assessment tool as it is an ongoing review process where students can also self assess themselves on the basis of preset criteria before submitting their work (Andrade 2001).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Past, Present and Future Essay Example for Free

Past, Present and Future Essay As I was preparing to write this personal assessment paper, I cannot help but be reminded of an age-old adage which goes, â€Å"an unexamined life is not worth living† – a wisdom saying claimed to have been coined by the philosopher Socrates. Specifically in view of my stay here at the University of Phoenix, I have many good reasons to suppose that looking back at my personal and professional growth in this learning institution is indeed an aspect worth examining. Not only does it afford me of a chance to chart the progress of my learning journey, it also gives me a rare opportunity to reflect on how my life has significantly changed over the years. In many ways, I believe that what stands to be of paramount importance in examining one’s life lies in being able to learn from the experiences of the past. And I find this especially true for myself since I am coming from a kind of University experience that opened many windows for the acquisition of many learning skills, and the nurturance of lasting relationships as well. With these in mind, I shall reflect on study program that I took at the University of Phoenix with eyes fixed on charting my personal and professional growth relative to the whole study process. As required, this personal assessment paper shall be divided into three distinct but related parts: starting the program, undergoing the program, and the impact of the program on my future life. Recounting experiences at the start of University program Early on in life, I was already introduced to the idea that academic learning is exceedingly important not only because it can become a sure ticket for a rewarding professional life later on, but also because it is a noble endeavor in itself. My parents have constantly reminded me of this almost sacred teaching. Which is why, I consider learning to be an issue of no little importance in my personal growth and development. In ways more than one, this is the reason why I decided to pursue my studies at the University of Phoenix. Specifically, I was moved by a desire to finish my studies so as to later on pursue a greater life-defining goal – to land a career in the field of management. I have to admit that starting a University life is not as easy and sweet as many people would have thought it. At least for myself, I have had a fair amount of anxieties, biases, fears and hesitations that I had to firstly wrestle with before finding myself comfortably abreast with the whole school system. Even if I had the courage to pursue an inner belief on the importance of learning, I should say that my first steps at the University were indeed nerve-wracking, since I had to let go of my little comfort zones and expand my horizon for the sake of learning. But while these memorable days were an initially rocky path, I think that I fared relatively well in handling myself successfully, with a little push and support from my family, friends and peers. I started out my studies at the University as a student at the beginner’s level. In many ways, my problem solving and communication skills definitely needed some serious reinforcements. I knew I had the basic knowledge and skill to pull through though; but surely, they need to be further improved if only I could succeed in my University journey. I was able to pass academic requirements in a manner rather fair and prompt. But I must admit that I was able to accomplish many things not without difficulties. For instance, I discovered that doing analysis and assessments involving critical thinking were not that easy. I did also encounter difficulties in terms of information retrieval, inasmuch as I had to joggle up a number of subjects requiring memorizations, retentions, and practical ways of applying formulas and principles in many assignments and projects. And while I believe that my social and relational skills were aspects that have served me well in the past, my University studies was to even more teach me how to use these skills in a manner distinctly practical, so I can effectively collaborate with my co-students and professors. After years of pursuing an academic learning here in the University though, I honestly think that I have improved a lot in almost all these aspects; as I now possess, all things considered, a competence level of an intermediate student. Assessing personal growth during my University studies A multi-faceted learning approach is what in essence the University of Phoenix afforded me over the years. I have little doubts that the subjects which I took at the University contributed a lot to my growth. Specifically, I have to mention that I was helped enormously in my writing skills. I know right from the onset that I could not write well. And perhaps, this weakness shows even now. In fact, I have encountered difficulties in completing many assignments or projects that needed a fair amount of effective writing skills. It was, to say the least, difficult to get myself staying motivated in matters or subjects where I know I am are not adequately adept with. With much patience and practice though, I think that I was able to improve myself quite significantly in this area. My University studies have enabled me to gather vital insights that I can use in the future. In particular, I feel that certain general education courses may prove to be critical in view of my potential management career in the future. The first one concerns Human Motivation subject, as offered by Psychology 320 course. This is, I believe, chiefly important for any career in management, as it gives students necessary insights and skills to know what motivates people. The management profession entails a lot of handling human resources; i. e. , the people themselves. By studying Human Motivation, I am able to gain necessary knowledge that would not only make me know the factors that motivate people, but also learn appropriate approaches or methods to effectively motivate them. Second, I feel that ISCOM 476, otherwise known as the â€Å"Integrated Supply Chain Application†, is another important course as well. If only to explain, what this course did for me was to make me distinguish between the things that I have honestly learned and those that I have unfortunately missed. The subject was in many ways an eye opener for myself. It gave me insights into the areas that I need to brush up in relation to the previous courses that I have taken. Ultimately, though, I feel that I can use this course to help an organization become successful in what they are trying to achieve in the business. Besides, the course is chiefly about understanding logistics; and, in a career that oversees not only the proper handling of human resources but also key company transactions, the course shall definitely help me improve my management skills later on in my professional life. As for my personal recommendation, I would propose developing a more personal rapport between student and teachers. I do wish to imply that the University professors barely care for the individual performances of their students. Far from it. On the contrary, what I would suggest is to promote healthy student-teacher relations that could bring into the fore individual difficulties encountered by students, as they go about learning the subjects they are currently into. When properly assessed, students can surely address what needs to be done if there are some learning skills or subjects that they find difficult to put up with. I have personally encountered having to put up with the demands of a current subject while brushing up the knowledge I have learned from the previous courses. In many ways, this can be avoided. Developing an effective individual colloquium approach to learning shall, I believe, make students more adjusted into the demands of the current subjects that they are undertaking. Analyzing the impact of University learning on later life Completing a University bachelor’s program in many ways gives me an overwhelming feeling of contentment, pride, and most notably, joy. But perhaps, more than giving me a reason to be proud of myself, I feel that the finishing the University program of my choice has a role to fulfill in my life long learning later on. Finishing the program is surely not an end as it is more like another beginning for my life. It is an accepted knowledge that learning is a process that never stops; i. e. , for as long as a human person lives, he or she needs to learn until death. In many ways, this is how I view life as well. I feel that lifelong learning is something that one needs to achieve in life. And as such, it is something that should not stop. I take root from my personal experience here at the University of Phoenix. Honestly, I think that that I many reasons to quit from the program. The difficulties of having to put up with the intense learning processes of this school system are really one bulk of problem to solve, to say the least. But I did not allow discouraging results, nor pieces of advice of other people (against finishing the degree) get in the way of my desire to finish my studies. In life, this too applies. A person should not let no one stop him or her from finishing something that one truly takes interest in. Far more critical, I am of the firm believe that lifelong learning needs all the support one can get from people who care. Since learning has to be life long, and that it need not to stop after University schooling, I have set forth certain plans in view of acquiring further knowledge. In the years to come, I plan to reinforce the fundamental learning I received from the University by following it up though an array of available study learning programs. Firstly, I intend to attend logistics seminars in the next few months. Realizing that this is critical area for my prospective job, I feel that I need to reinforce my learning to further increase my competence in such a field. Moreover, I plan to further develop my communications and management skills. Communications skills, specifically writing (as I mentioned), were really a weakness that I was able to adequately address. But that does not mean I was able to achieve an expertise or mastery of it. I know that, at the end of the day, I need to improve this aspect more and more. Being a professional entails that one has achieved a certain level of competence in both what one knows, and how one effectively expresses what one knows. In my case, I am pretty aware I need to effectively express myself in both the oral and written manner of communication, in order to better convey and practice the management skills that I have acquired. As indeed, I am aware that I need to be very aware of any new approaches to management strategies as the years go by. What the University has afforded me is a fundamental knowledge about management; but surely, in the years to come, new innovations and challenges that the University studies were not able to address shall inevitably emerge. I know that when that time comes, I need to handle myself successfully as I did so during my student stint at the University. Thus, in order to keep with the pace of ever changing needs of the companies, I plan on improving my management skills by attending seminars and short courses as well. Right now though, I have neither pondered nor decided over the specific company or organization to join with. Suffice it to say that for the time being, I am contemplating on attending a master’s program on management. In this way, not only I am going to be able to address my specific learning needs, I shall also in the process further improve my competence level to that of an expert, ready to take on anything that life has to eventually offer.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Questions and Answers on Employee Motivation

Questions and Answers on Employee Motivation Question.01. How can expectancy theory be used to explain the differences in motivation between Alex and Katrien? What specifics from the case apply to expectancy theory? Answer: Expectancy theory[1] states that the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. They are both college students so the expected result would be that they would have similar opportunities and pay. Katrien is given many elements in the job characteristics model such as task identity and autonomy since she is able to create a product at the culinary center and see it to completion while Alex is placed in one area without any other tasks that could be considered motivational. Alex doesnt believe that performing at a certain level will attain a desired outcome like additional pay. The rewards are not consistent with his needs. For example, stocking more produce may only result in a sticker which has no value or little value for Alex while Katrien has the opportunity to make an additional $75.00 for attempting to sell 10 expensiv e bottles of truffle oil that is not only challenging but also adds value by helping her pay the bills.(high expectancy). Question.02. Alex states that he is underpaid for the work he does. What motivational theory does this apply to, and how would it explain Alexs behavior? Answer: Alex is underpaid and thus equity theory[3] could help explain his behavior. Also, the job characteristics theory could be applied since he is stuck in the produce department devoid of the other components of the model like skill variety or task significance. Denise has a shorter term in the market and gets paid more which adds to the inequitable situation. The environment, the repetitive work and the unfair treatment are all disincentives for Alex so his behavior is consistently negative. Question.03. Using concepts from organizational justice, explain why Alex knocks his bosss lunch to the floor. What should Alexs boss do to improve the fairness of his treatment? Answer: Both distributive and procedural justice[5] are components because of his pay and the fact that Jacque is treating Denise more favorably. Distributive justice is the perceived fairness of the outcome and this case he does not believe that he is being rewarded fairly. Alex has an issue with procedural justice in that Jacque has a bias for Denise and therefore Alex believes that the process is unfair. He knocks his lunch to the floor when he perceives a problem with interactional justice when Jacque interrupts his lunch with Katrien and he feels that he is not respected. Although he has 45 minutes for lunch, Jacque always wants him to return within 30 minutes, which is once again unfair treatment as compared to other employees. Question.04. Using concepts from the emotions and moods chapter, explain why Alex retaliates toward his supervisor. Was his behavior driven purely by emotion, or did cognition also play a role? How so? Answer: Alexs emotions are negative. He is exhibiting a negative effect, which is a mood state that is displaying his stress level, anxiety and irritability toward his boss and the climate in which he is employed. His retaliation is an emotional reaction to the poor treatment that he has endured from his boss and the favorable treatment toward Denise. Cognition plays a role since Alex is aware of his environment and has been trying to make sense of the injustices. His ultimate emotional response with Jacques sandwich was a result of an accumulation of perceived inequities. Question.05. Compare and contrast Alex and Katrien in terms of each persons level of work stress. How might stress affect their attitudes and behaviors within their work environment? Answer: Katrien consistently has a smile on her face and her level of job satisfaction is high. She has been given a variety of tasks and her job is fulfilling, therefore her level of work stress is low. In contrast, Alexs stress level is high with many perceived injustices and boring work. His attitude and behavior are poor and negative respectively since their managers have different styles of Theory X for Alex and Theory Y for Katrien. Alex will quit as soon as he finds another job while Katrien is content with her position and present challenges. Question.06. Discuss Alex and Katrien in terms of each persons job attitudes (for example, job satisfaction and organizational commitment). What factors might be responsible for any differences? Answer: Again, the attitudes including job satisfaction and organizational commitment are positive for Katrien and negative for Alex. As mentioned, Alex is looking to leave the organization while Katrien is given more responsibilities and challenges. Her job satisfaction is high while his is low. Many factors mentioned earlier have contributed to this situation from the differences in managers and their respective styles to the biases and injustices including unfair treatment and inequitable pay that all contribute to a poor working environment and a lack of motivation on Alexs part. Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Pages 231237 Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Pages 233-234 Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Pages 234236 Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Pages 229236 Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Page 229 Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Pages 285-293

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lady Macbeth - From Head Conspirator to Wimp :: essays research papers fc

Lady Macbeth From Head Conspirator to Wimp   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story of Macbeth by Shakespeare is one of his most read and most loved plays. It was not unlikely that out of all of his plays that Macbeth would be one of the few successful plays that would be turned into an opera. Verdi wrote the opera with librettists Francesco Maria Piave and Andrea Maffei. The opera was written around 1846 and premiered on March 14, 1847 at the Teatro dell Pergola in Florence, Italy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A few years later the Verdi revised the opera adding a ballet into it and taking out some things and was performed at the Teatre Lyrique in Paris on April 21, 1865. This opera in comparison to the play begins with the third scene of the play. Unlike some of Verdi and other composer’s other operas the dialogue of Macbeth closely follows Shakespeare’s dialogue throughout the entire opera. It has been said that the words throughout the opera are ore often than not a literal translation of Shakespeare’s work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All of this information is fine and gives us a general understanding of who wrote the opera and when, but what I want to focus on in this paper is the Prima Donna of the opera by Verdi: Lady Macbeth. Although she is an integral part to both the play also and since the opera is so closely related to the play, I will focus on the opera by Verdi. Through a character analysis, evidence on how Verdi saw his Lady Macbeth, and a discussion of her development through her arias, I will discuss how Lady Macbeth began as a woman thirsty to become Queen and ends as a woman that was willing to and did take her own life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the lines of the play the Lady Macbeth said was very interesting that gives you the character of Lady Macbeth in one statement and Verdi’s opera shows this. She says â€Å"†¦look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t. (I. v. 67-68)† This is the thesis statement of Lady Macbeth’s life until the bitter end. Lady Macbeth is Macbeth’s wife, a deeply ambitious woman who lusts for power and position. Early on she is the stronger and more ruthless of the two, as she urges her husband to kill the King, Duncan, and seize the thrown. Lady Macbeth exploits her sexual hold over Macbeth as a means to persuade him to commit murder after murder.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Copy And Paste The Introduction Essay

1. Copy and paste the introduction to your essay in the space below. There have been more unsolved bombings of Negro homes and churches in Birmingham than any city in this nation. 2. Using techniques learned in this lesson, write the conclusion to your essay in the space below. Lastly but not least, I was thinking that when he gets out of jail there will be no racism against other black people in the nation. Now, let’s break your conclusion apart to show the different techniques you used. 3. How did you connect your introduction and your conclusion? (Did you use a similar technique, repetition of a significant word or phrase, etc.?) Explain. I used nation letting the readers know this is all over the United States. 4. Copy and paste the words or sentence that signals closure of your essay. Lastly but not least 5. Copy and paste the sentences that synthesize your ideas. Remember, synthesis combines the main ideas of your essay AND comments on the significance of those ideas. There have been more unsolved bombings of Negro homes and churches in Birmingham than any city in this nation. 6. Copy and paste the sentences that answer the question from the prompt: What conclusion or implications can you draw? (It is okay if you have these sentences as a part of your synthesis or challenge to your audience. Include them here as well. It is also okay if these sentences are separate from those two elements.) There have been more unsolved bombings of Negro homes and churches in Birmingham than any city in this nation. 7. Copy and paste the sentences from your conclusion that challenge your audience to think, feel, or do something. There have been more unsolved bombings of Negro homes and churches in Birmingham than any city in this nation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ebusiness Case Study

CISCO CASE STUDY ANALYSIS Submitted by: Sanal Jose (1021031) Aparna Panda (1021040) Cefi Johnkutty (1021041) Sonam Sethiya (1021052) Q1. Can other corporations benefit from investing in e-business functionality to the same extent that Cisco has? A1. Yes, other corporations can benefit from investing in e-business functionality to the same extent that Cisco has. The ever-changing and dynamic business environment necessitates use of internet and e-business technologies and therefore, these are going to be the face of business in future.Other corporations can benefit highly by making a calculated investment in this field, just as Cisco has been able to do. But there are certain prerequisites which need to be fulfilled before a company invests in e-business otherwise it might lead to a failure. The most important being the organization should have a web oriented culture. The other requisites are: * The company should have a well integrated system where the internet strategies are in sync with the business strategies. * The company should encourage other businesses to network with them. The top level management should ensure the application of an internet strategy in all areas or fields. * Implementation of internet strategy and processes should be as minimum as possible. * Employees should be encouraged to develop innovative processes with the help of internet to increase productivity. * Proper evaluation of processes should be done after the implementation and improvement scope should be there. Proper evaluation of processes should be done after the implementation and improvement scope should be there. Q2.What can other corporations learn from Cisco’s approach to guiding the e-business transformation? A2. The following are some of the learning’s that other corporations can take from Cisco’s approach to guiding the e-business transformation: * A single enterprise system embracing contract manufacturers, distributors, logistics partners, develop ment engineers, service engineers, sales representatives and customers into a single information system. * Information sharing in real time. * Direct fulfillment of orders whereby most of Cisco’s contract anufacturing partners ship directly to customers. * Automatic testing: to ensure product quality by creating test cells on supplier production lines. * Faster product introduction into the market: reducing the number of steps required during prototype development. * Recognize and forecast the need for a scalable business model to meet the demand of rapid growth. * Using Internet as the foundation of an enterprise and develop business models to achieve high performance and gain competitive advantage.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bacillus Anthracis essays

Bacillus Anthracis essays The bacteria Bacillus anthracis, the etiologic agent of Anthrax, is a large, gram positive, sporulating rod. Approximately 2-6 Â µm in length, this bacterium can be cultivated in ordinary nutrient medium under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. More commonly recognized by the name Anthrax, this bacterial pathogen is primarily a disease of domesticated and wild animals, particularly herbivorous animals, such as cattle, sheep, horses, mules, and goats. Humans become infected incidentally when brought into contact with diseased animals, which includes their flesh, bones, hides, hair and excrement. Recent bio-terrorism events in history dictate the necessity for a complete understanding of Anthrax and its infectious abilities. Unfortunately, the road to such discovery is long and arduous. The virulence of Anthrax depends on two factors: the bacterial capsule and the toxin complex. All virulent strains of B. anthracis form a single antigenic type of capsule consisting of a poly-D-glutamate polypeptide. The unusual poly-D-glutamyl acid capsule is itself nontoxic, but functions to protect the organism against the bactericidal components of serum and phagocytes and against phagocytic engulfment. Capsule production depends on a 60-megadalton plasmid, pX02; its transfer to nonencapsulated B. anthracis via transduction produces the encapsulated phenotype. The capsule plays its most important role during the establishment of the infection and a less significant role in the terminal phases of the disease, which are mediated by the Anthrax toxin. The Anthrax toxins are composed of three proteins: the protective antigen, the lethal factor and the edema factor. The protective antigen is an 83-kd protein that binds to the target cell receptors. Once bound, a 20-kd fragment is proteolysed, thus exposing an additional binding site. This binding site can combine with either edema factor (89-kd protein) to form edema toxin, or lethal factor...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Paragraph Length 5 Essential Tips - Writing Tips with Proofed

Paragraph Length 5 Essential Tips - Writing Tips with Proofed Paragraph Length: 5 Essential Tips Paragraph length is important. Too many long paragraphs in a document may make it difficult to read. Too many short paragraphs and it could seem disjointed. But how long should a good paragraph be? 1. Paragraph Length Depends on Document Type If you look online, you’ll find advice saying that paragraphs should be between 100 and 200 words long. And as a guideline on paragraph length, this is fine for most documents. However, paragraph length also depends on the type of writing. Some paragraphs may be a single sentence. Some may spread across more than one page. In this blog post, for example, most of the paragraphs are under 100 words because shorter paragraphs are easy to read on screen. But the paragraphs in an academic textbook would be longer to offer more depth. As such, you should tailor your paragraphs to suit the document and the subject matter. But to do this, you need to consider why we use paragraphs in the first place†¦ 2. The Purpose of a Paragraph Paragraphs help us organize the information in a document. Consequently, each paragraph should cover one main idea. Try thinking about a paragraph like a tiny essay: Start with a topic sentence to set out what the paragraph is about Use the main body of the paragraph to expand upon this idea End with a concluding sentence that leads on to the next paragraph If you find yourself covering multiple ideas in a single paragraph, especially if there’s no direct connection between them, consider separating them into distinct passages instead. 3. Consistency vs. Mixing It Up Most of the paragraphs in a document should be a roughly similar length. If you find that they vary a lot, it may be sign that some ideas in your document are underdeveloped and need expanding. However, in longer documents it is a good idea to mix things up a bit, especially if you have a lot of long paragraphs. One way to do this is to bookend each section with short introductory and concluding paragraphs, setting out and then summarizing what you’ve discussed. 4. Editing Long Paragraphs While editing your work, you may want to break longer paragraphs down into shorter ones. Look for a point where the focus changes, even if only slightly (e.g., shifting from introducing an idea to giving an in-depth example). You can then add a line break and, if necessary, a linking sentence. 5. Editing Short Paragraphs If your document contains too many short paragraphs, particularly in succession, you can look for passages that cover similar topics and combine them into a single longer paragraph. This may simply involve deleting a line break, but you might also have to consider the overall structure of your document. If you have several short paragraphs touching on the same topic in different places, think about whether they should all be part of one section instead.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Admission Essay

I would like to get an admission in a dental school so that I can pursue a career that has always been my dream. I must say that I have had a vast experience and exposure on this profession dating back to my old days as a dental student in India. During that time, I worked in various government hospitals for a year. This enabled me get sufficient exposure on some of the dental ailments like tooth fractures, gingivitis and temporo mandibular disorders and how to treat them. Consequently I was exposed to the principles and ethics of dentistry that includes confidentiality, competence, being compassionate and portraying a high level of professionalism. These factors make me suitable for the career. In addition, I have worked with a re-knowned dentist, Dr. Swalan thus gaining more knowledge about dental surgery. I have worked with various people and I well understand the dentist-patient relationship and how this can be enhanced. It is important to note that am very conversant with the American Dental Association code of ethics that outlines the dos and don’ts of the profession. I have learnt quite a lot of things to date as for as dental surgery is concerned. I not only know about administering oral care, but also reconstructive and cosmetic services. I have also learnt that patience pays because many are times when dental patients endure pain for so long only for a Doctor to clear it in seconds. I was motivated into joining dentistry by my brother who was himself a dental student. His encouragement together with the invaluable support of Dr. Salwan made me develop a lot of interest in the profession. In my early childhood, I used to frequent dental clinics. This earlier exposure of this environment and the kind approach with which doctors exercised their duty thrilled me into making it a career dream. I was also made to understand that dentistry is an absolutely good income job that would enable me make ends meet in my life. In my present job as a dental assistant, I handle quite a number of tasks. These range from preparing the patients on behalf of the doctor to taking of X-rays for the patients. In addition, I clean patient’s teeth, receive payments and make bills. My goal is to learn more about dentistry and to become a professional dentist that one can reckon with. I do not want a case whereby am only referring patients to other doctors as a result of incompetence. I would rather look forward into learning all dental aliments and their treatment procedures/processes. As I sit besides the Doctor while administering treatment, I aspire to induce as many students as possible into joining this profession. I also dream of becoming a professional Dental surgeon myself, offering consultation services to other medics. If my admission is guaranteed I would be contented as my other goal of pursuing a practical job of which I am good at, shall have been accomplished. References Please use the references I had given you earlier.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Franco-American Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Franco-American Trade - Essay Example French exports stood at 1,427 billion francs ($285.4 billion) in 1995, 22% of GDP while the imports amounted to 1,322 billion francs ($264.4 billion). The figured showed a substantial increase in the surplus in durable goods (over 58 billion francs, $11.6 billion), a 20 billion-franc surplus ($4 billion) in farm products, a surplus of 31 billion francs ($6.2 billion) in agri-foodstuffs, a declining energy bill and a rise of 19% in electricity exports.(Stern 47) Being a member of the European Union results in a lot of internal trading between the EU countries, hence France's European Union partners absorb 64% of its trade. According to the survey carried out in the 1990s, the country had a trade surplus of 27 billion francs ($5.4 billion) with the EU in 1995. The main trading partners of France are Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Spain, along with the United States. As pointed out above France and United Kingdom are major trading partners. France is UK's third largest market and has been importing from Britain for the last twenty odd years. France has the distinction of being UK's third largest supplier providing 7.2% of UK imports only behind Germany (14.6%) and the USA (9.5%), while ahead of the Netherlands (7.1%) and China (6.8%). The United Kingdom is Frances's fourth export market making 8.3% total exports, after Germany (14.7%), Spain (9.9%) and Italy (9.5%). The United Kingdom is France's seventh supplier, as it pr... As Chinese products have flooded the global markets, the scenario has been similar for France who has been importing from China on an increasing rate. (Stern 51) On the other hand, United Kingdom has lost the France market and this is mostly explained by the downward trend in the oil exports by the UK to France. Other main category products whose export level has also suffered have been cars, electronic and electrical equipment, chemicals, clothing and meat. However, this has been slightly off set by increasing UK exports in sectors such as machinery (gas turbines), pharmaceuticals, aerospace, iron and other heavy metals, precious stones and beverages. The main categories or rather sectors which have been of prime trading importance between UK and France apart from the energy sector are: machinery, electrical equipment, transport, chemicals, food and consumer goods. According to the latest figures, the imports by France from UK include mostly machinery while France mostly exports transport equipment to the UK. (Gilbert 2004) Machinery constitutes the largest share in the bilateral trade by having nearly 80% representation while it is followed by the energy sector in UK exports at 11.7% and oil in UK imports at 5.9%. Energy's share in UK exports was 11.7% (10.6% being oil) and 5.9% in UK imports. Another important trading partner of France is the United States of America (USA). The foreign trade allows them to deepen the understanding of good faith that that the two countries have established. The foundation of their global trade is based on a solid arrangement. According to the latest figures published in the State publications, the average trading between the two nations is of 1 billion dollars -commercial activities and

Strategics Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategics Management - Research Paper Example The following table presents SWOT analysis of Kellogg in the competitive environment Considering the Strength, Kellogg has its presence in 17 countries and its product is being marketed across the globe. Since the company has established esteemed international operations, it can enjoy the cost and tax incentives of the other countries. In addition, the company also displays distinguished financial credibility and its shares are listed on one of the biggest stock exchanges of the world. A sound financial outlook always attracts investors to invest in the operations of an organization. Kellogg can easily raise capital by issuing new shares in the stock market and it can certainly be expected that the issue would be completely subscribed. Another source through which the company can raise finance for the expansion of its operation is through debt. Banks and financial institutions are likely to sanctions credit facilities to companies having credible financial outlook. The only weakness that is apparent from the ongoing operations of the company is that Kellogg has not updated its product line with the passage of time. Its production line still contains items that were originally developed over 50 years ago. Regarding the threats, the company faces fierce competition from several firms in the food industry who possess the volume and potential to outcast the company by introducing more sophisticated products and ingenious production strategies. Apart from that, the company also faces threats from store brand products which are cheaper to sell for the retailers. In addition to the discussed, it appears that the company has placed too much reliance on the discount merchandisers. These giant stores have the potential of exerting pressure on the company’s margin and forcing them to sale their products on lower prices. In the recent past, the company has started incurring expenditure in making its food items more nutritious and healthy. Kellogg is one of the first one to use the oil to lower levels of trans fat and unsaturated fats in its products. This venture can prove to be full of opportunities for the company. The company earns 66% of its revenue from the North America, and since the recent demographic studies suggests that people are becoming more diet conscious due to the prevailing obesity related disease, Kellogg’s investment in the modified and nutrition enriched food products is likely to reaps positive results. (b) Porter’s five forces model is an effective tool in exploring the competitive forces of the environment in which the organization operates. It allows the business to critically analyze its current business strategy and formulate one which can allow it to achieve a competitive position in the market. The first competitive force according to the model is the entry of new competitors into the market. New entrants might be able to capture some of the market share of Kellogg and will adversely affect the profit ability. With the implementation of sophisticated data gathering software, Kellogg can repel this threat to its business. The sales department can maintain a database of the orders which can significantly assist in identifying which product is most popular among the customers. This information can

Write an action plan for wellness that is custom designed for your Essay

Write an action plan for wellness that is custom designed for your use. Include recommendations offered in the textbook. Remember to cite any sources used, including the textbook - Essay Example Thus, creating one for my own would have to start with identifying my goal for getting into wellness which is to manage stress at work and stay fit at the same time. With this in mind, it would be best to factor into the plan my health needs that are affected by the kind of work I am in, the amount of time that I get sleep, and also the time I can sacrifice for working out. With this, setting specific and manageable work out goals is key. A great way to do so is to plan a 20 minute exercise, three times a week which would not demand so much that would add to my stress which leads to a lot of work out loopholes such as stress eating and lack of motivation to continue a program while still giving myself time to enjoy nourishing myself with more greens and have a spare time for rest. Also, it is important to make the most of the time committed for work out such as targeting different kinds of exercise from cardio, strength, and flexibility drills (How to Start an Exercise Program, n.d.). Shaping a mindset that does not only associated work out with the gym but pretty much in everything such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Lastly, avoiding the work out stumbling block by setting up a non-food reward system as I tend to feast on unhealthy food pleasures is best to do. Instead of food, a treat to a massage would do great! How to Create a Wellness Plan: Steps to Writing Your Own Health Routine | (n.d.). Amy Kreydin Writing Profile | Retrieved May 18, 2012, from

Thursday, October 17, 2019

One Item of Either Hindu or Buddhist Teaching that is Most in Conflict Assignment

One Item of Either Hindu or Buddhist Teaching that is Most in Conflict with your Own Convictions - Assignment Example This way, after the soul has experienced many lives that affect the next ones in series which the soul eventually proceeds to manage with higher wisdom, the ultimate state of perfection is then achieved. On the other hand the Bible, or the Holy Scriptures, affirms that each man is identified with a single soul which does not take any other form, but belongs to the same man alone even after death or the Day of Judgment in which his soul is assessed with respect to this mans account of living, whether good or bad. Instead of karma, by Christian faith, I believe that human efforts of striving to be good would be futile without the grace of God. Because of the Creators love of His creation, every human being is permitted to act according to free will while still on earth since God does not demand obligatorily for faith to be devoted Him by those who do not discern His nature by heart completely. He is rather pleased that men, beyond their reverence toward His divinity, find the essence in establishing a more profound sense of connection with Him so that it becomes spontaneous to act with righteousness. It turns out that for Hinduists, it is only possible to attain spirituality after the complex undertaking during reincarnation. Apparently, the higher significance is placed on depending upon individual efforts at seeking to be good in the Hindu tradition whereas Christians recognize the truth in human weakness and Gods forgiveness that redeems man from wages of sin once they are humble enough to repent and restore fellowship and communication with God as stated in the Bible. Christian teaching designates one man for every soul and the principle of  God's plan of salvation that renders any other means void of effect at obtaining divine fulfillment necessitates not for a soul to take any other form, signifying how God intended for every one of us to be special.  

Psychology of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Psychology of Marketing - Essay Example Herberg’s theory presents a dichotomy for possible resolutions for targeted consumers: satisfaction versus dissatisfaction (Kolter & Keller, 2012; Durmaz & Diyarbakirlioglu, 2011). Consideration of both outcomes is important as neither can apply in the absence of the other. When marketing, it is important to incorporate both sides of the dichotomy in one’s thinking as they almost equally influence the decision made by the consumer. The marketer must not fail to recognize the needs of the consumer, and, consequently, place their product within their list of needs. To achieve this, they must be able to sufficiently but fast introduce the product, and discuss its value in light of the consumer’s current needs in order to make it appealing to them (Bohm, 2012). As such, the marketer’s main pursuit lies in their ability to motivate a consumer so they can get a favorable perception of the product while deciding on

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Write an action plan for wellness that is custom designed for your Essay

Write an action plan for wellness that is custom designed for your use. Include recommendations offered in the textbook. Remember to cite any sources used, including the textbook - Essay Example Thus, creating one for my own would have to start with identifying my goal for getting into wellness which is to manage stress at work and stay fit at the same time. With this in mind, it would be best to factor into the plan my health needs that are affected by the kind of work I am in, the amount of time that I get sleep, and also the time I can sacrifice for working out. With this, setting specific and manageable work out goals is key. A great way to do so is to plan a 20 minute exercise, three times a week which would not demand so much that would add to my stress which leads to a lot of work out loopholes such as stress eating and lack of motivation to continue a program while still giving myself time to enjoy nourishing myself with more greens and have a spare time for rest. Also, it is important to make the most of the time committed for work out such as targeting different kinds of exercise from cardio, strength, and flexibility drills (How to Start an Exercise Program, n.d.). Shaping a mindset that does not only associated work out with the gym but pretty much in everything such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Lastly, avoiding the work out stumbling block by setting up a non-food reward system as I tend to feast on unhealthy food pleasures is best to do. Instead of food, a treat to a massage would do great! How to Create a Wellness Plan: Steps to Writing Your Own Health Routine | (n.d.). Amy Kreydin Writing Profile | Retrieved May 18, 2012, from

Psychology of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Psychology of Marketing - Essay Example Herberg’s theory presents a dichotomy for possible resolutions for targeted consumers: satisfaction versus dissatisfaction (Kolter & Keller, 2012; Durmaz & Diyarbakirlioglu, 2011). Consideration of both outcomes is important as neither can apply in the absence of the other. When marketing, it is important to incorporate both sides of the dichotomy in one’s thinking as they almost equally influence the decision made by the consumer. The marketer must not fail to recognize the needs of the consumer, and, consequently, place their product within their list of needs. To achieve this, they must be able to sufficiently but fast introduce the product, and discuss its value in light of the consumer’s current needs in order to make it appealing to them (Bohm, 2012). As such, the marketer’s main pursuit lies in their ability to motivate a consumer so they can get a favorable perception of the product while deciding on

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The ManCom as Facilitator of Reforms Essay Example for Free

The ManCom as Facilitator of Reforms Essay The school depends much on the political will of the Management Committee as the implementer and facilitator of reforms in the school. Parallel leadership is an ideal concept and through Project IDEAS with the integration of other strategies, the reforms will be successful. The ManCom is provided the authority to make policy decisions. It has to create from within its committee, a team that will plan, implement and evaluate the activities of the project IDEAS to effect the reforms needed, to finally solve the diminishing quality standards of education provided by the school. Shafallah will need multiple strategies that will be implemented simultaneously – â€Å"many things happening at the same time†, and implemented by a team that will seriously and honestly devote their time and skills without bias to achieve successful school reforms. The team may be headed by the Managing Director and with the human resource department as the secretariat. The program will have to involve not only the teachers and the ManCom but also the parents and the leaders in the community who are affected by the diminishing quality of education provided by the school. The program will have to create school-wide awareness that the school is serious about bringing change and a new environment in the school. Supporting activities must accompany the change such as removal of the aspect of â€Å"nationality, race and religion† as a basis for any management decision, and focus on capability building of teachers, developing multi-skilling among existing teachers, leveling benefits through a standardized wage and salary scheme and improved school facilities. The noise created by the advocacy program is in itself, leadership on process. The entire school community will notice that the management is bent on improving the school. The teachers will regain hopes that they will be provided support in terms of exposure and more importantly, the much needed moral support from the management. The future of Shafallah lies in the performance of ManCom in achieving the leadership reforms for the school. Its most important function first and foremost is to establish the school vision and assure that it the picture of what the whole school community would want its school to be. Management with its traditional positional authority will have to step down and collaborate. Another important function is to transform itself (ManCom) and individually as administrators, to act as transformational leaders from purely the positional authority, to leaders who are not only adaptive to change but also willing to collaborate to influence change. (Avolio 1998) Another function is to transform the demoralized teaching force into teacher-leaders. ManCom will develop strategies to process the re-imaging of the teaching force. From the individual classroom practitioner to one who is a â€Å"life-long learner, a self knowing professional who works together with others to achieve a shared purpose. † (Limerick et. al. 1998 as cited in Andrews, 2004) The Community’s Role in the School Reforms The IDEAS was another process introduced by Crowther and his group which has the mechanism to possibly solve the problems of the school. One of the Australian schools that adopted innovations using the Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievement in Schools (IDEAS) conducted learning programs addressing the capability of the teaching force and the other professionals in the school community. Seaside State School is one of those success stories using IDEAS. The school applied integrated and holistic strategies to accomplish what the school envisioned, through the development of a shared school-wide pedagogy. What is worth replicating in this sample success story is the involvement of the students, the parents and the community. The school implemented major campaigns to influence the entire school community on the vision of the school. Activities such as â€Å"vision week† celebrations strongly attended by the parents, students and the other residents of the community were held. (Andrews 2004)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Internal combustion engine different properties

Internal combustion engine different properties Explain in detail, the differing operating cycles inherent in two unrelated i.c (internal combustion) engines An internal combustion engine differs in operation depending on which fuel it is being run of because petrol and diesel have different properties. Diesel And Its Properties Diesel is obtained from crude oil via 3 processes separation, upgrading and conversion The initial boiling point for diesel is around 125 degrees (c)and its final boiling point around 400 degrees (c) Diesel also contains sulphur the more sulphur it contains the more electricity it can conduct insufficient electric conductivity is potentially a safety hazard as it could lead to a build up of static charge during the bulk transfer of fuel however its not very high risk in a motor vehicle because of the low velocity of fuel that gets transferred Needs to be inject in to the combustion chamber at high pressure so that the amount of diesel is always the same and so that the correct amount of diesel reaches each combustion chamber at the correct time Diesel is not flammable this is why a glow plug is required to heat the diesel up on a cold start this is also another reason why diesel had to be forced into the combustion chamber under high pressure Petrol And Its Properties Has and lower boiling point than diesel Petrol is flammable and there for can be ignited using a spark unlike diesel Petrol is not as dense as diesel they both are produced from crude oil but is more refined than diesel Reasons for differences in an ic engine running on petrol in oppose to diesel Because of the different properties in petrol and diesel the parts and configuration of ic engines and the way they are run varies. For instance a modern diesel will have a fuel rail located on top of the combustion chamber which depending on how many cylinders will have a row of high pressure injectors for instance a 4 cylinder would have 4 injectors one per cylinder. Now this would be the case in a petrol engine but the injectors would operate under much lower pressures and therefore the pipes that go to each injector are different. Often the pipes leading from the fuel pump to the injector on a diesel engine are made out of copper as it is a material that handles well under pressure but in a petrol engine the pipes are usually just rubber or PVC depending on the requirements they need to meet. A diesel engine only take in air, and shortly before the peak amount of compression, a small quantity of diesel fuel is sprayed into the cylinder via a fuel injector at high pressure that al lows the fuel to instantly ignite due to higher pressures and heat. A petrol engine uses a different method to ignite the fuel source because petrol is flammable it can be ignited using a spark the petrol is injected into the combustion chamber under relatively low pressure but before it reaches the chamber it becomes in contact with a spark plug which ignites the fuel forcing the piston down this causes compression which forces the piston back up creating the stroke in this case a 4 stroke cycle. Both ic engines in this case use the 4 stroke cycle the only difference being the way the fuel is ignited, which in turn gives u the combustion stroke which starts the 4 stroke cycle. Task 2- Evaluate the vehicle design, and therefore the performance implications of a particular choice of engine configuration and layout Ferrari use a dry sump system in appose to a baffled sump system which is more commonly found on an ic engine. This is because a baffled sump takes up a lot of space and has a large depth this is because in a baffled sump system all the oil is stored in one place. A dry sump works by having a separate oil reservoir. There is a shallow oil reservoir usually mounted on the underneath of the engine and then a separate oil tank is located somewhere else in the engine bay. A pump helps supply the reservoir tank with oil from the main oil tank and then a scavenge pump helps to reticulate the oil back to the oil tank via pipes ensuring a constant flow of oil gets supplied to the engine at all times. The main advantage of the dry sump system is that it means an engine can be mounted lower to the ground as meaning the car can have a lower centre of gravity improving the cars overall performance and handling this is why dry sump systems are most commonly found on race cars and performance cars. There are downfalls to dry sump systems they require more piping and to oil reservoirs meaning the manufacturing costs are higher than they would be if a baffled sump system. Ferrari also mount their engines primarily in the middle of their cars the main reason for this being that you can achieve a perfect 50 50 weight distribution meaning that the cars handling is as good as it can be as all the weight is shared across the chassis evenly. It also means that under heavy breaking the car wont nose dive because there isnt more weight in the front of the car than the rear. The main downfall to having a middle mounted engine is that u can only really fit 2 seats into a car and that you lose a lo t of the practically of the vehicle but the gain in the performance of a vehicle with a middle mounted engine more than makes up the practicality lost. task 3- explain the function, operational and construction of the main internal components/ assemblies of a particular type of I.C engine In an ic engine there are several different components which are critical for the running of the engine here I am going to name and explain what the main internal components do and there functions. Valves- in a common 4 cylinder 16valve engine there is 4 valves per cylinder mean 4valves times 4 cylinders 16 valves. 2 of these valves are inlet valves and the other 2 valves are outlet valves, the inlet valves allow the injected petrol or diesel to enter the combustion chamber at regular intervals these intervals are determined by the cam shaft. The outlet valve does the opposite of the inlet valve when the outlet valve opens it gets rid of the gases and deposits created from the 4 stroke cycle. Pistons-the function of the piston is to compress the mix that enters the combustion chamber this happens because as the mix of fuel enters that enters the chamber when ignited forces the piston from tdc down to bdc then as the piston starts to rise from bdc back up to tdc this creates compression then as the piston rises the outlet valves open and the gases causes from the combustion stroke exit through the valves under pressure and are exited from the car via the exhaust Drive belt- A belt is a loop of flexible material used to link the 2 shafts of an engine together mechanically. In an ic engine the belt has to be timed so that both the cam shaft and the crack shaft are turning at the exact rite time so they can carry out their function efficiently. Cam shaft- The cam shaft only function is to ensure that the valves open and close at the correct time it is essentially a metal shaft that has metal pear shaped components placed along it at regular intervals the reason for these pear shaped metal components is that when the cam shaft is turning via the drive belt each pear shaped component corresponds with the rocker cover of the a valves the pear shaped component pushes one side of the rocker cover down which compresses a spring located underneath the rocker cover which in turn pushes the inlet valves open. The cam shaft then continues to turn allowing the inlet valves to close. Then the other pear shaped components correspond with the other side of the rockers cover then when they come in contact with the rocker cover push down the outlet valves this is all done to a precise timing which is determined from the drive belt. Crank shaft- The crank shaft is what determines the movement of the pistons the shaft is usually driven from the drive belt and the big end of the cam rod connects the piston to the shaft this shaft converts the rotational motion of the shaft into a vertical motion so that the pistons can move up and down in the cylinders. Cam rod- the cam rod is the rod that connects the piston to the crack shaft it does this via a big end and a small end the big end connects to the crank shaft and the little end connects the head of the piston to the rod the piston heads are usually connect to the cam rod using a pin.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The 1992 Los Angeles Riots Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The 1992 Los Angeles Riots April 26th, 1992, there was a riot on the streets, tell me where were you? You were sittin' home watchin' your TV, while I was paticipatin' in some anarchy. First spot we hit it was my liquor store. I finally got all that alcohol I can't afford. With red lights flashin' time to retire, and then we turned that liquor store into a structure fire. Next stop we hit it was the music shop, it only took one brick to make that window drop. Finally we got our own p.a. where do you think I got this guitar that you're hearing today? This is a verse of lyrics from a popular song, written by Sublime, shortly after the Rodney King verdicts, and ensuing riots in Los Angeles. These words would portray the streets of Los Angeles around midnight on the night of April 29, 1992. The people of Los Angeles become enraged over a jury verdict just hours before. Rodney King, a middle-aged African-American had been severely beaten by four Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers in March, and the four officers had just been found not guilty, igniting the blacks in Los Angeles into a revenged riot against the city and its system. On the night of March 2, 1991, Rodney King and two of his friends decided to go "cruising around looking for some girls." After a few drinks, the three men began cruising around the streets of Los Angeles. At about midnight, King was driving at speeds of up to 115 miles an hour on the freeway. Two California Highway Patrol officers clocked King's car, and began to pursue him. This, however, was not going to stop King. After a 7.8-mile pursuit on freeways and city streets, King was forced to pull over because another vehicle was blocking the street. Rodney King, a tall and muscular man ... ...ewer whiter were killed or injured (17)" An analysis of the first 5,000 arrests from all over the city revealed that 52 percent were poor Latinos, 10 percent whites and only 38 percent blacks. They also know that the nation's first multiracial riot was as much about empty bellies and broken hearts as it was about police batons and Rodney King (Urban). Today, the city of Los Angeles remains a magnet to immigrants, and Latinos now make up more than 40% of its population. The LAPD is now bigger, with nearly 10,000 officers, and claims to be more sensitive than it was before the riots. The riots opened up the eyes of people of all races and careers in Los Angeles, and especially opened the eyes on Capitol Hill. Changes have been made, and LA is a better place because of it. "May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house." --George Carlin

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Nina Monroe :: essays research papers

Nina Monroe 16 April 2002 Philosophy: Ethics 6. What arguments are offered by Plato and Aristotle that the just life is happier that the unjust one? Do you find these convincing? Why or why not? The Happy Life â€Å"So don’t merely give us a theoretical argument that justice is stronger than injustice, but tell us what each itself does, because of its own powers, to someone who possesses it, and that makes injustice bad and justice good†.1 In this quote from Plato’s Republic, Adeimantus challenges Socrates to demonstrate that justice is good in itself, and ultimately, to prove that the just life is the happiest life for a human being. Both Plato and Aristotle, two of antiquity’s greatest philosophers, concern themselves with the issue of human happiness. Neither thinker considers fate to be the definitive factor for achieving happiness. Rather, Plato and Aristotle argue that our actions and thoughts play a significant role in creating a happy life. This argument, as presented in Plato’s Republic and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, also asserts that a life in accordance with justice is the happy, or good, life. Thus, tracing each philosopher’s theory of the happy life necessitates a discussion of their definitions of justice. Here too, the two philosophers show a great degree of agreement. Although the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle contain major differences in their fundamental principles, both thinkers take similar stances on the relationship between justice and happiness. Plato, through various Socratic dialogues, chooses to present his definition of justice in the context of a just state, later applying it to the case of a human. In the just state described by Socrates, each individual performs a certain function within society.2 It is in this principle of proper functioning of each part, from which Plato derives a definition of justice. It should not come as a surprise, therefore, that Plato was highly critical of Athenian democracy, which encouraged its citizens to try many different professions throughout each of their lives. Plato found that a certain element of conflict or turmoil arises from conditions that promote various parts of a system to meddle with the other parts. Plato’s notion of justice clearly echoes his overall theory of a highest goo d, or the good in itself. The highest good is constituted by something completely above the sensible world, and understood only within the realm of intelligibility. The truths of the intelligible realm are ordered and unchanging.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Darkness at Noon Revision Notes Essay

Why does Nikolai Rubashov confess to crimes against the revolution that he has not committed? What are the political options open to Rubashov following his arrest? Which option does he choose? Are the implications of the political argument in Arthur Koester’s Darkness at Noon anti-revolutionary or merely anti-Stalinist? Is Darkness at Noon an attempt to explain why the Russian Revolution in particular failed or is it an attempt to explain why all revolutions that rely on violent means to achieve their ends must fail? What is the central political argument of Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon? What are the political implications of his argument? Outline the most important differences in the political mentality of Rubashov’s interrogators- Ivanov and Gletkin? What political options are open to Rubashov after he is arrested? Following Rubashov’s arrest Ivanov gave the option of going through a public trial by confessing to certain acts, or having a private administrative trial. Public trial: * This could lead to the discrediting and weakening of the ideology * Rubashov held a high position within the party, and for him to be seen as a dissident would have stirred other revolutionaries * Would have made it more difficult for the party to discredit his views if Rubashov did not publically denounce himself * Doesn’t serve the revolution * Preserves his own honour in some ways but is of no use to the greater good Confess: * Rubashov capitulates in order to serve the revolution and the party * Although he was not guilty of anything, he cannot find any reason in his own mind not to capitulate. Rubashov has been a creature of the party for his whole life, and now the party demands that he should confess * Justice and objective truth have ceased to have any meaning for him * He feels superior to his Czarist officer who inhabits the next cell, showing the differences in thought processes from a person ingrained with the party ideology versus the ‘bourgeois’ angle who would uphold his honour * The officer believes that honour is about doing what you think is right, an individualist perspective, where as Rubashov contends that to uphold the honour of the regime/revolution is more honourable. Ideology dictates the actions of all players in the regime – citizen and state To serve the revolution, Rubashov finds it necessary to capitulate – serves the greater good – it is better to confess to crimes not committed than to risk the reputation of the revolution for his own honour – grammatical fiction: there is no I. This is a demonstration of the corruption of revolutions enacted through violent means. The means don’t justify the ends when the citizens are being overlooked – the revolution is supposed to act for the good of the people, but the ideology has become corrupted to serve the good of itself and its leader. Outline the most important differences in the political mentality of Rubashov’s interrogators- Ivanov and Gletkin? Ivanov * He lived before the revolution, and was an intellectual who helped bring about and serve the revolution * He is not a man of violence – would prefer to persuade Rubashov rather than beat him. Coercion is a last resort for him, but if it is necessary, he believes that the ends do justify the means. Gletkin * Gletkin is of the second generation of the revolution. He comes from a peasant background, is not an intellectual. Rubashov thinks of him as little more than a violent thug. * His political views are therefore those of the party, he accepts what is force fed to him without thinking critically about it. * He is a man of violence. He wants to beat and torture Rubashov to obtain his confession. Therefore he doesn’t believe in the idea of persuasion. However this does show that he believes the end justifies the means. * Gletkin is the culmination of what Koestler argues went wrong with the revolution – he represents totalitarian thought, and he is the kind of individual that it produces. * ‘born without an umbilical cord’

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sampoerna Guiding Coalition and Anchoring Culture Through Acquisition

IN3N – ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT TEAM PAPER SAMPOERNA Guiding Coalition and Anchoring Culture Through Acquisition Disusun Oleh: Adrien Lasserre(Bordeaux) Adhitya Anggripinanto(2009 02 2986) Kokoh Ronald(2009 02 3000) Shauma Nugroho(2009 02 3005) I. INTRODUCTION This paper consists of three parts; organization background, analysis of key success factor, and recommendation. We capture briefly the situation when acquisition happened. Judging from fact that acquisition was succeeded – reaching it goals – we identified that was two key success factors. Guiding by Kotter’s Model we focused on building guiding coalition and anchoring new culture. As our objectives, we recommend some action to Sampoerna’s new CEO which can improve change management in the organization after acquisition. II. ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna (Sampoerna) is the biggest cigarette manufacture in Indonesia. In 2008, it can sell almost 73. 3 billion unit cigarette, valued up to 33. 9 trillion rupiahs. These stats are the highest among other competitors in the cigarette industry. With terrific product brand like Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, Sampoerna Hijau Kretek, etc, this company became an icon of cigarette industry in Indonesia. Sampoerna’s story of success is inseparable from the history of its founding family. Sampoerna traces its origin to Liem Seeng Tee, a Chinese immigrant who founded the Company in 1913. At his home in Surabaya, Indonesia, he began producing and selling hand-rolled kretek cigarettes, named after the crackling sound they make as they burn. His small company was among the first to manufacture and market kretek as well as non-clove cigarettes on a commercial basis. Kretek cigarettes quickly grew in popularity. By the early 1930’s, Liem Seeng Tee had changed his family name and the name of his company to Sampoerna (Indonesian term for ‘perfect’). However, by 1959, three years after the passing of Seeng Tee, and in the aftermath of Indonesia’s struggle for independence, Sampoerna was once more on the verge of closure. In that year, Aga Sampoerna (Seeng Tee’s second son) was appointed to lead the company, and succeeded in reestablishing and rebuilding the company. Aga’s second son, Putera took over the helm of PT. HM Sampoerna in 1978. During Putera Sampoerna’s tenure, the company established itself as a public company with a modern corporate structure, and embarked on a period of investment and expansions. During the process, Sampoerna consolidated its position as one of Indonesia’s top-tier companies[1]. Sampoerna’s vision is embodied in the â€Å"Three Hands philosophy†. The philosophy embodies the business environment and Sampoerna’s role in this context. The Hands, which represent adult smokers, employees and business partners, and society at large, are the three key stakeholders the Company must embrace to reach its goal of becoming the most respected company in Indonesia. They address each group through: (1) delivering high quality cigarettes with fair value to adult smokers, (2) providing good compensation and working conditions to employees and building a good relationship with business partners, and (3) giving back to the society at large. There are 225 large (28%) and 585 medium (72%) tobacco related industries in 2004 (Central Board of Statistic, 2004). From those companies, only three players leading the market with 68% market share [Exhibit 1]. In 2004, Sampoerna took second position with 19. 91% market share compared to Gudang Garam 30. 25% and Djarum in third position with 18,26% (GAPPRI in Agnes, 009). These three players are competing directly to become a market leader in industry. Sampoerna is well known as an innovative company with creative marketing strategy. We can see it from it phenomenal product called A Mild, the first low nicotine cigarette in Indonesia. May 18, 2005, Philip Morris International (PMI) acquired Sampoerna by buying 98% stake of the company at a price of Rp. 10. 600 per share or in total value of 18. 58 trillion rupiah[2]. This was not only surprising for the company's internal community but throughout Indonesia. This acquisition is one of the largest foreign investments in Indonesian history (Taco, 2007). Even until today, the company's internal do not know accurately the underlying reason Putera Sampoerna sold this company. Probably, Putera Sampoerna had seen an opportunity to sell his company in high price. Refer to Richter (2001: 341), so we can call in this case, pressure comes from vision of its owner. But, possibly there were several things considered by Putera Sampoerna in making this bold decision. We analyze them comprehensively to identify the pressures faced by the company. Putera Sampoerna realized that heavy pressures were not only occurred in his company but also in Indonesia’s cigarette industry in general. Those pressures were: a) Government Mandate Pressure (Palmer et al, 2009: 54). The industry has been experiencing great pressure as public awareness of cigarettes negative impacts and demand to regulate them are increasing. One of the laws which regulate tobacco control is legislation Prov. DKI No 2 / 2005 on the control of air (Tempo, June 22, 2009). b) Geopolitical Pressure (ibid, 55) Cigarette industry also faced pressures from many non-government organizations such as â€Å"Warga Indonesia Tanpa Tembakau† (WITT) and â€Å"Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia† (YLKI). This issue has become global. It is proven by the UN Conventions – 2 Framework Conventions on Tobacco Control/FCTC. Indonesia has not ratified it yet. c) Hyper-competition Pressure (ibid, 57) The high competition market was also a strong factor that convinced Sampoerna to let go off the businesses. Although famous for its innovation, the company was not able to overtake the domination of Gudang Garam in the industry of clove cigarettes. Putera Sampoerna concluded that cigarette industry will not stay profitable in the future. One striking fact convinced him was the slow growth of the industry. According to Adrian Rusmana, BNI Securities’ Head of Research, in the last three years, the revenue growth of tobacco companies in Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSE) was under the level of 10%; -0. 3% in 2006 rate and 1. 9% in 2007 (Kurniawan, 2009). In the company's official statement, this acquisition provides an opportunity for it to take advantage from PMI's knowledge and experience from various countries over decades. In addition, the acquisition also brings resources, as well as new methods and procedures in the company's management (HM Sampoerna's Annual Report, 2005). For PMI, their acquisition could increase market power, avoiding the cost of new product development, increase the speed of penetrating the market, and avoid the barriers to entry (Agnes, 2009). After acquisition, company achieved its success. Within 1. 5 years, they reached first place in the national tobacco industry with 28. 3% market share in the year 2007 (see Figure 2, more detail in Exhibit 1). In the same year in November 2007, The Indonesian credit rating agency PT. Pefindo upgraded the Company's credit ratings from id AA+ to id AAA with a stable outlook. This is the first time the Company achieve an id AAA rating. Revenue also showed a growing trend, accompanied by increased net sales and income of the company (PT. HM Sampoerna Annual Report, 2007). The acquisition also speed the company's business acceleration. In 2008, Sampoerna added more than eight Cigarette Production Partners, 15. 000 new employees, build a new factory in Jakarta, then â€Å"pelintingan† through partners increased by 8. 000 (PT. HM Sampoerna Annual Report, 2008). From those facts we know that the management did the right action to achieve success. Their action proved to be effective based on result they achieved. In early stages of acquisition, Martin Gray King takes the helm of Sampoerna. With his charismatic leadership style, like Putera Sampoerna did the organization growth rapidly in stable situation. Since May 27, 2009, John Gledhill took leadership role in Sampoerna (www. vivanews. com). Now we can recommend him what else he can do to maintain and improve Sampoerna performance. Before that, we have to analyze what make this acquisition works well. III. KEY SUCCESS FACTORS IN ACQUISITION OF SAMPOERNA The acquisition decision brings fears to Sampoerna’s employee. For most employees, the figure of Putera Sampoerna is not only perceived as a corporate leader, but also as a parent that is worthy enough to be considered as role. The acquisition feared would damage the harmonious atmosphere that had been created. Most of Sampoerna’s management was concerned in the decreasing of employee’s motivation. They were worried that there will be a reduction of employees (Yos Adiguna in SWA, 2007). Worker can produce 350 cigarettes/hour, while the machine is able to produce 8000 cigarettes/min. Thus, one machine is approximately equal to 1,500 people. Fears of uncertainty and cultural shock are major challenge to management that needs a planned change management action. Based on eight step model by Kotter, there are two main key success factors in this acquisition. First, they succeed in creating guiding coalition. Second, they make cultural change come last not first. On this part, we discuss about what management did align with some concepts developed by Kotter. 1. Creating Guiding Coalitions The change idea in organization usually comes from groups of people who realize the importance of a change to be done by the organization in order to work better in the future. But the idea is not always accepted immediately by some elements of the organization, such as the employee, the owner, or the CEO. This happens although they already sense the urgency to change. Even the CEO would not be able to make some change if he just fends for themselves without any support from the employees. In Kotter's Eight Step Process of Creating Major Change, Building Guiding Coalition is one of the early stages of important thing to make a change, because in essence a change who wants to do will not run properly if the plan change will not get support from elements of organization. If the plan to change is supported by an influential group of the company, the next process will be carried out more easily, especially in expanding the vision, mission, strategy and communication of the change process (Kotter, 1996:51). All top executives considered this thing when decision gets final. Putera Sampoerna summoned all the leaders and gathered them in one big room to announce the acquisition decision. Putera Sampoerna directly builds coalitions to notify changes. All the people obey the Sampoerna family ansd no one questioned the reasons behind the decision. Putera Sampoerna directly coordinate all these leaders, calling them as ‘change agents’ to transmit the spirit as change agents to all Sampoerna’s internal parties, and ordered them to spread the information to the lowest level within the organization (SWA, 2007). Realized this step should be arranged quickly, he make it quickly executed. Monday, 13 March 2005, the draft notification is made for the acquisition news sent to all employees of Sampoerna promptly at 9 am. Velocity in the notification is critical to prevent the rumors come from outside. After the information communicated to all employees, then they understand. At the operational level there was nothing really changed, except for expansion. What will they feel may be more adherences to the rules and improved overlooked. That does not mean that once Sampoerna not obey the rules, but the assertion that the rule is an area that could follow it becomes thick, because it is the value of Philip Morris. What makes Sampoerna’s change agent succeed in guiding coalition? Kotter said a strong guiding coalition needed – one with the right composition, level of trust, and shared objectives. In term of making right composition, first important thing is Putera Sampoerna and PMI’s leader at that time (Martin King) involved, engaged, and committed to the change. If Putera Sampoerna just let go without making a good coalition, maybe realities come contrary. Martin King continued his predecessor becoming the change leader in the organization so Sampoerna will ensure they have leader’s support for change. Putera Sampoerna also selected peoples who have strong position power, broad expertise and diversity, and high credibility within their circle of influence. When the information has spread, there was resistance from some parties, although a small number, including several directors. Some of them even chose to resign. Most workers accept the decision because management promised no changes in operations; all will still be working as usual. The resistance does not occur because of all the elements felt the certainty of their fate. Kotter (2009: 163) stated that resistance can occur because of fears of status uncertainty. Besides, the lack of resistance is also due to the factors of good communication and high level of trust in employee. After they had sufficient powerful persons and mutual trust, now it’s time to deal with what new shared visions. In Kotter, we need to create shared vision in coalition when all the members of the group want to achieve the same objective and real teamwork become feasible. Vision in this term is related with Martin King’s vision about Sampoerna in the future. Martin King demanded Sampoerna to improve acceleration, starting from the quantity and quality of products, as well as human resources, considering the very dynamic business changes. This is a key strategy of the future development of Sampoerna. Continuous improvement being implemented by the Sampoerna with employee development systems, management and control report, reward & punishment, as well as information technology systems / IT (PT. HM Sampoerna Annual Report, 2005). Vision and mission are translated into the main target. One of the targets that best describes the spirit of change in Sampoerna is to become a market leader in the national tobacco industry in the next five years. After building a vision and make measurable targets, then for all elements have to work harder than before achieving it goals. 2. Culture Came Last Not First One of change challenge faced from acquisition is cultural adjustment (Palmer, 2009: 105). In Sampoerna acquisition, the challenge is the cultural adjustment because both of two companies came from different countries, different area, different operating systems and procedures that can often lead to conflicts. The way in which this is managed can be a major determinant of the success or failure of merger. There will be a culture shock if it wasn’t treating properly. The cultural is refers to norms of behavior and shared values among a group of people (Kotter, 1996). Norms of behavior are common or pervasive ways of acting that are found in the group and that persist because group members tend to behave in ways that teach these practice to new members, rewarding those who fit in and sanctioning those who do not. Shared value are important concern and goals shared by most of people in a group that tend to shape group and that persist over time even when group membership changes. In the big company such as PMI and Sampoerna, one typically finds that some of these corporate cultures affect everyone and that others are specific to subunits. The culture that exists in the organization is the most powerful forced in change management, because: (1) Individuals are selected and indoctrinated so well (2) The culture exerts itself through the actions of hundreds or thousands of people, and (3) It happens without much conscious intent and thus is difficult to challenge. Because culture so powerful, when the new practices made in a transformation effort are not compatible with the relevant cultures, they will always be subject to regression. Management realized that the culture problem is one of the critical factors in the acquisition of the company. This will hamper the achievement of goals if the accumulation of it not at the right proportion. Therefore, he will not intervene in the existing culture and prefers to focus on the company's strategic plan forward. Sampoerna’s cultural remains will be preserved as such because prior to the acquisition, Martin considered that the culture in Sampoerna is already very good and strong – a local company with international workings (SWA, 2007). This is also the reason why he only brought 14 of his staff and entrust some of the top management to the the previous leaders of Sampoerna. PMI, basically from USA, has its American Culture. The style of American in being outspoken at giving opinion is very different to Javanese culture that tends do the contradictory. In American style, criticism is usually thrown straightforward and sometimes spicy but still in the context of work, not personal. On the other hand, Sampoerna’s staff is very polite, lack of courage in conveying thoughts in mind, and not straightforward. They are not talking about right or wrong, but rather to complement each other. Other Javanese culture will be maintained by PMI. One is in terms of product launch time, raising the selling price, and a meeting with the Javanese calendar system. Other culture, such as it’s a tradition that Sampoerna always budget cost for the â€Å"pawang hujan† at the launch of its products. PMI which is a foreign company, although did not understand, still follows these tradition. This made the PMI headquarters confused when auditing the financial statements because of the ‘unique' cost. Martin, as PMI representative in Indonesia must explain that this is common in Indonesia. PMI‘s culture was also signed to strengthen the existing Sampoerna culture. The use of English is increasingly common not only in top management but also in the middle management; both oral and written. In lingual matters, Martin did not have problem because he can speak Indonesian and Sampoerna himself always recommend English to be used by every employee (Hidayat, 2007). Culture acculturation can be seen in [Exhibit 2]. From those, referring Kotter, we can conclude that change in culture come to last not first. But, in this case we see in different point of view that culture problem prevent early. They know it will caused problem, so they prevent it with choosing company (Sampoerna) which has similarity in culture. The fundamental similarity is that both companies have a passion to become the market leader. Also, both have a behavior and a willingness to improve them to perfection. When judging Sampoerna, PMI found that culture in Sampoerna is good and strong, so they don’t need dramatic change, just little adjustment. Referring to Lewin’s theory of cultural formation (Kurt Lewin in Schein, 2004: 319-329), acquisition of Sampoerna has four phases. Four phases are the explorations phase, unfreezing phase, merge phase, and freezing phase. The first phase, exploration, should already be identified where the cultural similarities and differences between the parties, and goodwill to achieve the best should remain preserved. The second phase is to dilute the old culture to the parties in the merger. The third phase is merging cultures, or the forming of cultural synergy, usually by defining a new culture, through education or training, coaching, mentoring, and so on. The fourth phase or freezing is realized by various artifacts such as logos, colors, physical appearances of the building, and so forth, as well as organization’s system such as regulation, the definition of a new culture, reward & punishment, and furthermore, the stabilization is continue done by gathering activities, and so on. The first and second phase faced wisely by PMI so Sampoerna is now in the third stage, and was relatively easy to be done, because the critical point is in the second phase. PMI as the new owners did not implement their culture to be dominant. Similarly Sampoerna with the Javanese culture, that has a desire to become more globally. IV. RECOMMENDATIONS The next year, the story of Sampoerna has dramatically taken a new direction; the firm has suddenly moved from an Indonesian family-owned company to an American global company. As results, Sampoerna had to adapt itself and challenged major issues. The change process has been really successful and Putera Sampoerna passed the relay to Martin Kings and now to John Gledhill, avoiding too much troubles. Nevertheless, we can wonder what can be the reactions of the labor force if the company faced other issues in the future. For sure, even if John Gledhill is very skillful, he doesn’t have the aura of two former CEO. Then, the markets move more and more fast and conduct the company to adapt quickly. So, can the change process be implemented in the same conditions in the future? In other words, how the new CEO of Sampoerna can keep implementing successful change process in the future? Here are our recommendations. †¢ Building the Guiding Coalition The Sampoerna family has a really special place in Indonesian mind; the successful story of the company and the charisma of its leaders had led to create individual governance under the control of monarch-like CEO. Indeed, despite of the increasing size of the company and fast-moving industry, what Putera Sampoerna said, people did. Now, the situation is definitely different in many aspects. First, John Gledhill can’t have the same influence on the employees company as his predecessor. He is a foreigner, coming from a major global company and could be suspected not to focus on Indonesian interests, unlike Putera Sampoerna. Second, the tobacco industry is obviously an unstable sector. Law pressures, growing health considerations, strong competitions make the market more and more complex. Today’s business environment clearly demands an efficient decision making. Considering these two factors, it appears that leading the new company with the same leadership style could at least be very difficult and most probably impossible. So, to tackle that issue and build a relevant change governance structure, we can suggest John Gledhill to create a strong guiding coalition that can make change happen. As Kotter said, there are three steps in building strong guiding coalition. We recommend what CEO should do based on these. The first step of this process is to find the right people; that means people with strong position power, broad expertise, high credibility, and overall leadership and management skills. Being sure of leadership skills of the change team members is a key to achieve the goals and special efforts to assure of it must be done. Considering the structure of Sampoerna [Exhibit 3], we think that John Gledhill must involve each part of the organization to build the next guiding coalition. The first reason is that to be enough efficient, the guiding coalition has to be aware of all the aspects of the company. Indeed, in such a complex and fast-moving market, developing a vision and taking strategic decisions quickly and efficiently become more and more difficult. To succeed in the future, the CEO must lean on the specific knowledge of each department’s top managers. In fact, with such a coalition, the information would circulate faster and in better conditions. The other reason that supports this choice is the fact that if each division of the different departments are represented in the guiding coalition, then the trust inside the company would be reinforce. We consider that this kind of coalition is able to increase the feeling of sharing the same goals and doing things in the same direction. If people think that the quality of their job is decreased because other departments don’t go in the same way, they would low their efforts as results. So, concretely, we recommend John Gledhill to build the guiding coalition not only the director of each department but also the head of each subdivision. Considering the organization structure of Sampoerna, the coalition will consist of 25 persons. One obstacle is to assure that the directors and managers have sufficient leadership skills to join the guiding coalition. We suggest John Gledhill measuring their ability to do the job properly and take the decisions required if not. That means don’t hesitate in firing the weakest people and hiring good leaders to increase the efficiency of the coalition. The next step of building a guiding coalition leans on creating trust among the team. Team building today usually has to move faster and Sampoerna’s CEO must conduct the process efficiently by using carefully planned off-site events with lots of talk and activities. The last step deals with the necessity to develop common goal inside the team work. Typical goal that can be chosen for Sampoerna is a commitment to excellence, a real desire to make their organization performs to the very highest level possible. Indeed, the common goal must be both sensible to the head and appealing to the heart. The combination of these elements leads to a powerful coalition with the capacity to make future change happen despite all the forces of inertia. †¢ Developing and Communicating A New Vision The success of the change process in Sampoerna must not hide the fact that some employees can feel uncomfortable with the growing uncertainty in the company. An acquisition is a major change in the mind of people, even if processes in operational level don’t change in the first time. Martin Kings had to be aware of this issue and deal with decreasing the potential fears or skepticism inside the company. Now Sampoerna lead by John Gledhill and he has to aware those concern too. Developing and communicating a new vision is the solution to give to people the answer to their question. In fact, in order to implement future change in the company, vision is definitely essential. If new vision is not built, the feeling of risk and, so on, resistance to change could be an unsolvable problem when implementing a new change. Moreover, it allows simplifying many detailed decisions, it motivates people to take action in the right direction, and helps coordinate the actions of different people. We can recommend Sampoerna’s CEO assuring that the vision is imaginable, desirable, feasible, focused, flexible, and communicable to be understood and shared by the whole company. For instance, next vision could be becoming a strong global brand able to develop itself on international markets. Then, to communicate the vision, John Gledhill and his guiding coalition have to respect key elements in the effective communication. Metaphor, analogy and example must be preferred to incomprehensible jargon and must be communicated many times under multiple forums (big and small meetings, memos, newspapers, etc). Furthermore, behavior from important people must be appropriate to reinforce the message: they have to act as examples, try to explain seeming inconsistencies, and listen to people interrogations. To sum up, the new vision or strategy of the company is an essential step to anticipate future change process. People must understand and share the company vision to involve fully in the necessary change. †¢ Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture When Martin Kings took the head of Sampoerna, he underlined the fact that PMI believed in the former corporate culture. He said that the Javanese company was really adapted to the Indonesian market and that the new orientation of Sampoerna would still lean on the values built by the founders. Philip Morris, as a global company, is experienced in such an acquisition and executives are obviously aware of how anchoring new approach in the culture of a company is difficult. So they decided to take time before dealing with that sensible issue. Therefore, even if Sampoerna’s corporate culture seems to be efficient, PMI has to integrate little by little its own values. Indeed, being part of a global company means share a common main culture (particularities can obviously survive). We can recommend John Gledhill first to be patient: the acquisition has just happened and people must be really sensitive regarding that kind of change. In fact, culture can be considered as the last step in change management process. Moreover dealing with culture issue is very difficult because of its own nature. Some aspects are almost not visible and some others not at all. Saying that doesn’t mean doing nothing; we suggest John Gledhill to implement few changes in the approach of each step of the change process. That means he has to give to Sampoerna a â€Å"Philip Morris Touch†, especially considering efficiency and results. We think that managers and mid-level managers are able to disseminate the values if they are involved enough. To conclude, anchoring new approaches in the culture would be very difficult, John Gledhill must do it very patiently with a great humility if he wants to success. V. Conclusion Overall, the steps taken by management in conducting a post acquisition changes are very good, especially in a guiding coalition and cultural adjustment. In building a guiding coalition, management can create a coalition based on the right composition based on the strong position power, broad expertise and diversity, and high credibility within their circle of influence. In addition, management has succeeded in creating a level of trust between the members, and has a good ability in shared objectives. Management also can overcome the cultural problems faced after the acquisition, the many cultural similarities that owned by PM and Sampoerna cause the process of cultural assimilation is not working too complicated. Although in essence PM have a different culture with Sampoerna, Management still retain the the old culture to avoid cultural shock within the organization. Bibliography Books Kotter, J. P. 1996. Leading Change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press Palmer, Ian. , Richard Dunford, and Gib Akin. 2009. Managing Organizational Change. New York: McGraw-Hill Schein, Edgar R. 2004. Organizational Culture and Leadership. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Newspaper and Magazine SWA Magazine. HM Sampoerna: Padukan Budaya Lokal dan Multinasional. Kamis, 01 Februari 2007. ____________. Ketika Timur dan Barat Menyatu. Rabu, 06 Februari 2008. Tempo Magazine. Indonesia Pasar yang Menggiurkan Bagi Industri Rokok Asing. Senin, 22 Juni 2009. Electronic Reference Sampoerna’s website. http://www. sampoerna. com. Accessed at October 27, 2009. 16. 40 PM http://berita. liputan6. com/ekbis/200503/97974/class='vidico'. Accessed at October 27, 2009. 15:30 PM http://bisnis. vivanews. com/news/read/61146-john_gledhill__dirut_baru_hm_sampoerna. Accessed at November 5, 2009. 13:30 PM Kurniawan, Agnes. 2009. Why Putera sold his Sampoerna. Accessed at October 27, 2009. 15:30 PM. ______________. 2009. Analisis Industri Rokok Nasional 2007-2008. Accessed at October 27, 2009. 16:38 PM. ______________. 2009. Kenapa Philip Meminang Sampoerna dengan Mas Kawin Sedemikian  Besar. Accessed at October 27, 2009. 16:30 PM. ______________. 2009. Perubahan Sampoerna di Tangan Philip Morris. Accessed at October 27, 2009. 16:22 PM. Taco, Tuinstra. 2007. A New Chapter. Accessed at November 2, 2009. 15:12 PM. Institution Central Board of Statistics, Indicator of large and medium enterprise, various years (the latest publication was in 2004) PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk. Annual Report 2005. Jakarta. 2006. __________________. Annual Report 2007. Jakarta. 2008. __________________. Annual Report 2008. Jakarta. 2009. Exhibit 1 NATIONAL CIGARETTE INDUSTRY MARKET SHARE 2003-2008 (in percent) |COMPANY |2008 |2007 |2006 |2004 |2003 | |Djarum |18. 0 |20. 4 |17. 2 |18. 26 |18. 71 | |BAT Indonesia |2. 4 |2. 3 |2. 2 |2. 54 |2. 86 | |Others |22. | |Batik uniform, black dress. |Batik uniform, black dress. | |Meeting date: 9, 17, 29. |Meeting date: 9, 17, 29. | |â€Å"Pawang hujan† when launching products. |â€Å"Pawang hujan† when launching products. | |Employee rather reluctant to talk with the boss ( Javanese |Employee more outspoken sharing their opinion ( Straight to| |preferred manners. |the point, provoked more sales-oriented, more creative, and| | |more initiatives with a global outlook. | |At managerial level, everyday conversations in English | | |People are encouraged to become more high-achiever, with | | |opportunity in career development, to branches of PMI in | | |another country. | Sourc e: SWA Magazine, February 6, 2008. Exhibit 3 SAMPOERNA ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE [pic] ———————– [1] Cited from company’s website; http://www. sampoerna. com; accessed at October 27, 2009; 16. 40 PM [2] Cited from http://berita. liputan6. com/ekbis/200503/97974/class='vidico'; accessed at October 27, 2009; 15:30 PM ———————– [pic] Source: Annual Report, 2005-2008 Figure 1. Sampoerna’s Net Income and Sales 2004-2009 We provide general recommendation to CEO of Sampoerna about building guiding coalition and anchoring new culture post acquisition of Philip Morris. Acquisition gets its objectives and makes significant results to organization. What makes it succeed? What should they do next in term based on their key success factors? DOSEN Dr. Ningky Sasanti Munir, MBA Ir. Setiadi Johar, DBA Soekono Soebekti, PhD Tjahjono Surjodibroto, MBA WIJAWIYATA MANAJEMEN ANGKATAN LXI STM PPM MANAJEMEN JALAN MENTENG RAYA NO. 9. JAKARTA [pic] Source: Annual Report, 2005-2008 Figure 2. Sampoerna’s Market Shares 2004-2009 ———————– 2