Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Past, Present and Future Essay Example for Free

Past, Present and Future Essay As I was preparing to write this personal assessment paper, I cannot help but be reminded of an age-old adage which goes, â€Å"an unexamined life is not worth living† – a wisdom saying claimed to have been coined by the philosopher Socrates. Specifically in view of my stay here at the University of Phoenix, I have many good reasons to suppose that looking back at my personal and professional growth in this learning institution is indeed an aspect worth examining. Not only does it afford me of a chance to chart the progress of my learning journey, it also gives me a rare opportunity to reflect on how my life has significantly changed over the years. In many ways, I believe that what stands to be of paramount importance in examining one’s life lies in being able to learn from the experiences of the past. And I find this especially true for myself since I am coming from a kind of University experience that opened many windows for the acquisition of many learning skills, and the nurturance of lasting relationships as well. With these in mind, I shall reflect on study program that I took at the University of Phoenix with eyes fixed on charting my personal and professional growth relative to the whole study process. As required, this personal assessment paper shall be divided into three distinct but related parts: starting the program, undergoing the program, and the impact of the program on my future life. Recounting experiences at the start of University program Early on in life, I was already introduced to the idea that academic learning is exceedingly important not only because it can become a sure ticket for a rewarding professional life later on, but also because it is a noble endeavor in itself. My parents have constantly reminded me of this almost sacred teaching. Which is why, I consider learning to be an issue of no little importance in my personal growth and development. In ways more than one, this is the reason why I decided to pursue my studies at the University of Phoenix. Specifically, I was moved by a desire to finish my studies so as to later on pursue a greater life-defining goal – to land a career in the field of management. I have to admit that starting a University life is not as easy and sweet as many people would have thought it. At least for myself, I have had a fair amount of anxieties, biases, fears and hesitations that I had to firstly wrestle with before finding myself comfortably abreast with the whole school system. Even if I had the courage to pursue an inner belief on the importance of learning, I should say that my first steps at the University were indeed nerve-wracking, since I had to let go of my little comfort zones and expand my horizon for the sake of learning. But while these memorable days were an initially rocky path, I think that I fared relatively well in handling myself successfully, with a little push and support from my family, friends and peers. I started out my studies at the University as a student at the beginner’s level. In many ways, my problem solving and communication skills definitely needed some serious reinforcements. I knew I had the basic knowledge and skill to pull through though; but surely, they need to be further improved if only I could succeed in my University journey. I was able to pass academic requirements in a manner rather fair and prompt. But I must admit that I was able to accomplish many things not without difficulties. For instance, I discovered that doing analysis and assessments involving critical thinking were not that easy. I did also encounter difficulties in terms of information retrieval, inasmuch as I had to joggle up a number of subjects requiring memorizations, retentions, and practical ways of applying formulas and principles in many assignments and projects. And while I believe that my social and relational skills were aspects that have served me well in the past, my University studies was to even more teach me how to use these skills in a manner distinctly practical, so I can effectively collaborate with my co-students and professors. After years of pursuing an academic learning here in the University though, I honestly think that I have improved a lot in almost all these aspects; as I now possess, all things considered, a competence level of an intermediate student. Assessing personal growth during my University studies A multi-faceted learning approach is what in essence the University of Phoenix afforded me over the years. I have little doubts that the subjects which I took at the University contributed a lot to my growth. Specifically, I have to mention that I was helped enormously in my writing skills. I know right from the onset that I could not write well. And perhaps, this weakness shows even now. In fact, I have encountered difficulties in completing many assignments or projects that needed a fair amount of effective writing skills. It was, to say the least, difficult to get myself staying motivated in matters or subjects where I know I am are not adequately adept with. With much patience and practice though, I think that I was able to improve myself quite significantly in this area. My University studies have enabled me to gather vital insights that I can use in the future. In particular, I feel that certain general education courses may prove to be critical in view of my potential management career in the future. The first one concerns Human Motivation subject, as offered by Psychology 320 course. This is, I believe, chiefly important for any career in management, as it gives students necessary insights and skills to know what motivates people. The management profession entails a lot of handling human resources; i. e. , the people themselves. By studying Human Motivation, I am able to gain necessary knowledge that would not only make me know the factors that motivate people, but also learn appropriate approaches or methods to effectively motivate them. Second, I feel that ISCOM 476, otherwise known as the â€Å"Integrated Supply Chain Application†, is another important course as well. If only to explain, what this course did for me was to make me distinguish between the things that I have honestly learned and those that I have unfortunately missed. The subject was in many ways an eye opener for myself. It gave me insights into the areas that I need to brush up in relation to the previous courses that I have taken. Ultimately, though, I feel that I can use this course to help an organization become successful in what they are trying to achieve in the business. Besides, the course is chiefly about understanding logistics; and, in a career that oversees not only the proper handling of human resources but also key company transactions, the course shall definitely help me improve my management skills later on in my professional life. As for my personal recommendation, I would propose developing a more personal rapport between student and teachers. I do wish to imply that the University professors barely care for the individual performances of their students. Far from it. On the contrary, what I would suggest is to promote healthy student-teacher relations that could bring into the fore individual difficulties encountered by students, as they go about learning the subjects they are currently into. When properly assessed, students can surely address what needs to be done if there are some learning skills or subjects that they find difficult to put up with. I have personally encountered having to put up with the demands of a current subject while brushing up the knowledge I have learned from the previous courses. In many ways, this can be avoided. Developing an effective individual colloquium approach to learning shall, I believe, make students more adjusted into the demands of the current subjects that they are undertaking. Analyzing the impact of University learning on later life Completing a University bachelor’s program in many ways gives me an overwhelming feeling of contentment, pride, and most notably, joy. But perhaps, more than giving me a reason to be proud of myself, I feel that the finishing the University program of my choice has a role to fulfill in my life long learning later on. Finishing the program is surely not an end as it is more like another beginning for my life. It is an accepted knowledge that learning is a process that never stops; i. e. , for as long as a human person lives, he or she needs to learn until death. In many ways, this is how I view life as well. I feel that lifelong learning is something that one needs to achieve in life. And as such, it is something that should not stop. I take root from my personal experience here at the University of Phoenix. Honestly, I think that that I many reasons to quit from the program. The difficulties of having to put up with the intense learning processes of this school system are really one bulk of problem to solve, to say the least. But I did not allow discouraging results, nor pieces of advice of other people (against finishing the degree) get in the way of my desire to finish my studies. In life, this too applies. A person should not let no one stop him or her from finishing something that one truly takes interest in. Far more critical, I am of the firm believe that lifelong learning needs all the support one can get from people who care. Since learning has to be life long, and that it need not to stop after University schooling, I have set forth certain plans in view of acquiring further knowledge. In the years to come, I plan to reinforce the fundamental learning I received from the University by following it up though an array of available study learning programs. Firstly, I intend to attend logistics seminars in the next few months. Realizing that this is critical area for my prospective job, I feel that I need to reinforce my learning to further increase my competence in such a field. Moreover, I plan to further develop my communications and management skills. Communications skills, specifically writing (as I mentioned), were really a weakness that I was able to adequately address. But that does not mean I was able to achieve an expertise or mastery of it. I know that, at the end of the day, I need to improve this aspect more and more. Being a professional entails that one has achieved a certain level of competence in both what one knows, and how one effectively expresses what one knows. In my case, I am pretty aware I need to effectively express myself in both the oral and written manner of communication, in order to better convey and practice the management skills that I have acquired. As indeed, I am aware that I need to be very aware of any new approaches to management strategies as the years go by. What the University has afforded me is a fundamental knowledge about management; but surely, in the years to come, new innovations and challenges that the University studies were not able to address shall inevitably emerge. I know that when that time comes, I need to handle myself successfully as I did so during my student stint at the University. Thus, in order to keep with the pace of ever changing needs of the companies, I plan on improving my management skills by attending seminars and short courses as well. Right now though, I have neither pondered nor decided over the specific company or organization to join with. Suffice it to say that for the time being, I am contemplating on attending a master’s program on management. In this way, not only I am going to be able to address my specific learning needs, I shall also in the process further improve my competence level to that of an expert, ready to take on anything that life has to eventually offer.

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