Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Student Motor Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Student Motor Company - Case Study Example Additionally, each and every individual’s personal moral principles and values also count. Social responsibility on the other hand is the obligation a business has as it aims at maximizing the positive impact of its activities and minimizing the negative impact its operation has on the society in general. Top level management in business today realize that ethical issues can no longer be applied in the context of administrative rules and regulations that must be adhered to and followed by everyone like in the past, it is indeed more than that. Ethics has transformed to become very crucial in determining the success of business with the heightened level of competition (Saviour, Nwachukwu, Faye & James 110). The ethical dilemma of The Student Motor Company The stakeholders of The Student Motor Company from the case study are the customers of the automobiles, the government regulators who come up with the numerous regulations managing the operations of the company and the industr y, various interest groups and the public in addition to each and every individual’s personal moral principles and values. ... Additionally, tests conducted on the automobile reveal that Zinger does not meet emission standards with a check on the EPA standards revealing that the need was to meet the requirements at the sale. Numerous studies further indicate that the customers were most likely to realize the fact that the Zinger pollutes beyond EPA standards after driving the automobile for a year or two. The tests results were forwarded to the highest level of the company management by Mr. Technical, a student motor company engineer. Tests conducted by student’s motor showed installation of the fuel tank above as opposed to behind the rear axle made the vehicle pass the 20-mile per hour rear impact test. Despite these concerns, and recommendations being made to the top management of the company, the company still went ahead to produce the Zinger informed by the fact that the automobile met all the applicable federal standards and compared on safety grounds to other similar cars being produced. Inform ed by this, I believe that the management of Student Motor Company is both morally and legally responsible for Mrs. Gray’s burn death. The responsibility of Student Motor Company for the emission standards for the Zinger My firm has both ethical and social responsibility to prevent known failure which may cause death. The firm is ethically responsible to the customers of Zinger, the government regulators and the numerous interest groups with interest on the firm like the shareholders, the suppliers and the employees. the firm are responsible for communicating to the customers any defects on the firms products that maybe detrimental to the health of the customers and

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